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Why exits?

Is an exact copy of the results and all its subfolders? If so, why are there both the results and the subfolders and a compressed version of the results and subfolders?

Why exits?

Is an exact copy of the results and all its subfolders? run directory? If so, why are there both the results and the subfolders run directory and a compressed version of the results and subfolders?run directory?

Why exits?

Is an exact copy of the run directory? If so, why are there both the run directory and a compressed version of the run directory?

Is there a way to disable the creation of I'm not running anything on the cloud. but my large runs are taking forever to compress, adding 15+ minutes to run time.

Why exits?

Is an exact copy of the run directory? If so, why are there both the run directory and a compressed version of the run directory?

Is there a way to disable the creation of I'm not running anything on the cloud. but my large runs are taking forever to compress, adding 15+ minutes to run time.

Why does exits?exist?

Is an exact copy of the run directory? If so, why are there both the run directory and a compressed version of the run directory?

Is there a way to disable the creation of I'm not running anything on the cloud. but my large runs are taking forever to compress, adding 15+ minutes to run time.

Also, this issue may be exacerbated by this other issue, which does in my case affect Linux as well.