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jeff.lee812's profile - activity

2020-04-13 01:28:33 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-06-11 23:12:23 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2017-06-07 12:03:38 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-07-12 14:15:29 -0500 received badge  Taxonomist
2014-12-11 16:54:15 -0500 commented answer Getting csv from sql

"To use, install the follwoing R packages:

(shiny), (openair), (plotly), (RSQLite), (reshape2), (ggplot2)"

How do I go about installing those R packages haha further down the rabbit hole

2014-12-11 13:26:55 -0500 asked a question Getting csv from sql

Hello, can anyone walk me step by step on how to get csv or raw data from the sql output file? I have zero familiarity with sql.

Specifically, I asked for the zone air temperature hourly (and later daily) in my output variables.

I want to plot this data against my own experimental data.


2014-12-04 16:51:44 -0500 asked a question How to change to Fahrenheit and how to see raw data from results

Quick question:

I have my simulation results and I like the results viewer, but is there a way I can change the units to Fahrenheit instead of Celsius?

On another note, I want to do my own data processing. Where can I find the raw data output for the output variables I specified?


2014-12-04 09:00:54 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2014-12-04 08:01:31 -0500 asked a question Running Simulation without HVAC


I'm trying to run my model without any HVAC (basically just a house sitting out in the environment). However when I try to run my simulation, it seems that i'm getting errors about my thermostats. I may have tinkered with them. How do I get around this error? (I basically want to know how I can run the model w/o having to deal with people or thermostat schedules)

Error reads like:

* ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint="THERMOSTAT SETPOINT DUAL SETPOINT 4" invalid Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name="" not found. * Severe * ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint="THERMOSTAT SETPOINT DUAL SETPOINT 4" invalid Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name="" not found. * Severe * GetStagedDualSetpoint: Errors with invalid names in ZoneControl:Thermostat:StagedDualSetpoint objects. * ~~~ * ...These will not be read in. Other errors may occur. * Fatal ** Errors getting Zone Control input data. Preceding condition(s) cause termination. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=7 ..... Last severe error=GetStagedDualSetpoint: Errors with invalid names in ZoneControl:Thermostat:StagedDualSetpoint objects.
