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2020-06-05 08:30:02 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-03-24 07:54:40 -0500 commented answer How to simulate only one zone

I dont know to use the energyPlus very well, but this is so helpful. Thank you so much :)

2015-03-23 17:49:24 -0500 commented answer How to simulate only one zone

OpenStudio has Zone Air System Sensible Cooling energy and Zone Air System Sensible Heating energy. Are these ok??? i am not sure if i can take these to compare.....

2015-03-23 16:41:04 -0500 commented question How to simulate only one zone

Openstudio. But I would like to know, if it is possible to take results for cooling and heating load per month for one zone. I dont care if i have to run all zones. I want these results for a specific zone.

2015-03-23 13:13:46 -0500 asked a question How to simulate only one zone

I have design a office building with a lot of zones. I would like to simulate only one zone and to take results for cooling and heating load per month.

is that possible?

Thanks in advance

2015-02-19 11:30:23 -0500 answered a question VRF system - Error

I try it and with different VRF system for each thermal zone , without any change image description

2015-02-19 11:27:30 -0500 commented answer VRF system - Error

I set it already... I don't know where is the problem

2015-02-19 10:44:36 -0500 asked a question VRF system - Error


I used the openstudio to modeling an office building. At this building I have 5 thermal zone. I want to set a VRF system. My question is "Must I set one VRF system for each thermal zone?" Because I want different thermostat to each zone... At my first effort, I set one VRF system and 5 terminals, but I had this error ...

For autosizing of ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow ZONE HVAC TERMINAL UNIT VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW, a zone sizing run must be done. * ~~~ * No "Sizing:Zone" objects were entered. * Fatal * Program terminates due to previously shown condition(s). ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=1 ..... Last severe error=For autosizing of ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow ZONE HVAC TERMINAL UNIT VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW, a zone sizing run must be done. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning).

I don't know If I have to change some data at "EDIT"....

I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance

image description

I try it and with different VRF system for each thermal zone , without any change

image description

2014-11-19 10:45:25 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2014-11-19 10:45:19 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2014-11-18 16:10:09 -0500 commented answer how to design the columns and beams?

I am not an architect and Ι trying to learn the google sketchup on my own. If I want to design the columns and beams, how can this be done? And if this will be, how I will design the walls with the correct thickness;

2014-11-18 15:58:42 -0500 commented question how to design the columns and beams?

I just want to know if the different in the results, it will be huge without columns and beams?

2014-11-18 15:55:47 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-11-18 15:53:43 -0500 asked a question Two different external walls (openstudio)


My question is about openstudio. if I have two different types of external walls how can I "declare" to the construction set? Should I make two sets? if I make two sets which of the two will declare after the program?

Thank you

2014-11-18 15:05:40 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2014-11-18 14:37:04 -0500 asked a question how to design the columns and beams?

Hello, The subject of my thesis has to do with this program. I started designing the building in the google sketchup and my question is how to design the columns and beams? all the videos I've seen there are no columns and beams, only walls. If I design the building with only the walls will affect the results in terms of energy?

I hope I was clear. for any clarification on my question, let me know

Thanks in advance.