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2022-01-03 13:48:22 -0500 marked best answer Error in PNNL model - Full service restaurant

I used the PNNL model for Full service Restaurant ( Iam using Energyplus 9.5 and the model is reporting error like this

** Severe  ** CheckAirLoopFlowBalance: AirLoopHVAC PSZ-AC_2:2 is unbalanced. Supply is > return plus outdoor air.
**   ~~~   **  Environment=RUNPERIOD 1, at Simulation time=08/24 03:40 - 03:50
**   ~~~   **   Flows [m3/s at standard density]: Supply=8.388132E-004  Return=0.000000  Outdoor Air=0.000000
**   ~~~   **   Imbalance=8.388132E-004

No changes done on the model other than updating to the latest version How to fix this issue?? Thanks in advance.

2021-12-16 11:53:21 -0500 commented question Hard Sizing the HVAC - Energyplus

No Eric. Iam just capturing the Gas consumption alone.

2021-12-16 10:31:17 -0500 commented question Hard Sizing the HVAC - Energyplus

Thanks eric. !! Is it ok to leave the Fan settings in Autosize?

2021-12-16 09:12:04 -0500 asked a question Hard Sizing the HVAC - Energyplus

Hard Sizing the HVAC - Energyplus Hi Iam trying to see the change in consumption due to the Weatherization(Energyplus).

2021-12-08 07:57:46 -0500 commented answer Error in PNNL model - Full service restaurant

Thanks Jeremy its working. Even secondary school has the same error and by changing the system availability manager coup

2021-11-01 00:28:04 -0500 commented question Error in PNNL model - Full service restaurant

Hi Jeremy, ASHRAE901_RestaurantSitDown_STD2013_NewYork.idf from "

2021-10-29 00:53:34 -0500 commented question Error in PNNL model - Full service restaurant

Hi Jeremy, Thanks for responding , I used 90.1. Its showing the error. Then I tried the IECC too. IECC initial run went

2021-10-28 13:43:50 -0500 asked a question Error in PNNL model - Full service restaurant

Error in PNNL model - Full service restaurant I used the PNNL model for Full service Restaurant (https://www.energycodes

2021-08-09 03:13:16 -0500 commented answer How to model timer control for DHW in Energyplus(EP-Launch).

Thanks!! Eric Martin

2021-07-20 23:45:13 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2021-07-16 08:10:08 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2021-07-16 08:07:22 -0500 asked a question Energy Factor changing DHW- Energyplus

Energy Factor changing DHW- Energyplus DWH -to change the energy factor to 0.9 from the existing 0.67, which are the pa

2021-07-16 08:07:16 -0500 commented question How to model timer control for DHW in Energyplus(EP-Launch).

Its in Energy Plus. Added that now. Thanks.

2021-07-16 08:07:10 -0500 edited question How to model timer control for DHW in Energyplus(EP-Launch).

How to model timer control for DHW. I would like to model a DWH with timer control(2 types). 1.In the peak load time it

2021-07-15 08:18:34 -0500 asked a question How to model timer control for DHW in Energyplus(EP-Launch).

How to model timer control for DHW. I would like to model a DWH with timer control(2 types). 1.In the peak load time it