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2024-07-22 23:24:39 -0500 edited answer Openstudio result measure fails

This is likely the same issue as reported here: openstudiocoalition/OpenStudioApplication#722 and due to this SDK issue:

2024-07-22 23:16:32 -0500 edited answer Openstudio result measure fails

This is likely the same issue as reported here: openstudiocoalition/OpenStudioApplication#722 and due to this SDK issue:

2024-07-22 23:16:23 -0500 edited answer Openstudio result measure fails

This is likely the same issue as reported here: openstudiocoalition/OpenStudioApplication#722

2024-07-22 23:15:28 -0500 answered a question Openstudio result measure fails

This is likely the same issue as reported here:

2024-07-22 08:42:12 -0500 edited answer water use equipment space OS-3.7.0 vs. OSApp-1.7.0

What Denis said. When you look at the SDK documentation for an object, you can click the button "List of all members"

2024-07-22 02:40:42 -0500 answered a question water use equipment space OS-3.7.0 vs. OSApp-1.7.0

What Denis said. When you look at the SDK documentation for an object, you can click the button "List of all members"

2024-07-16 05:01:52 -0500 commented question EMS in EnergyPlus: problem with the logistic regression equation

What calling point are you using (EMS:ProgramCallingManager). Also, use Output:EnergyManagementSystem with the field Ene

2024-07-12 12:34:59 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2024-07-12 12:34:57 -0500 marked best answer Calling ReadVarsESO without the 255 columns limit

I'm using OpenStudio to simulate with EnergyPlus. I want to get a csv file out of it in order to do some post-processing.

As stated in the thread Getting csv from sql, one way to get the csv is to re-run the IDF file generated by OpenStudio through the EP-Launch program. But that would require running the simulation a second time, which I want to avoid.

OpenStudio does save the .eso file, and I can process it just fine using ReadVarsESO that comes with EnergyPlus. The only problem is that I'm getting this message

 ReadVarsESO program starting.
 too many variables requested, will go with first          255

Now, in EP-launch, if you go to Options, then "Miscellaneous", you can tick an option "Allow more than 250 columns", and you'll end up with a csv that has all the reporting variables, even if more than 250 or 255.

So I'm guessing there's a way to call ReadVarsEso with some kind of parameter that tells it to ignore the columns limit.

How can you run the ReadVarsESO without the 255 columns limit?

2024-07-11 04:08:57 -0500 commented question Create Baseline Measure gives error : OS 3.5.1

Not enough information to reproduce/help. Also, it looks like a warning, and not an error. Seems to fallback to using th

2024-07-11 04:07:23 -0500 edited answer EMS Sensor Unique Key Name not found.

If I understand correctly, your problem is with this EMS Sensor: EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor, RCan,

2024-07-11 04:05:12 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2024-07-11 04:05:12 -0500 answered a question EMS Sensor Unique Key Name not found.

If I understand correctly, your problem is with this EMS Sensor: EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor, RCan,

2024-07-11 04:03:17 -0500 edited question EMS Sensor Unique Key Name not found.

EMS Sensor Unique Key Name not found. Hello, we are working on our graduation project. I want to obtain the transpiratio

2024-07-11 04:01:10 -0500 commented question EMS Sensor Unique Key Name not found.

2024-07-08 10:26:38 -0500 edited question Energyplus error message

Energyplus error message i usually use Openstudio to get the data i need but i'm starting to use Energyplus but i keep g

2024-06-21 04:18:49 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2024-06-21 04:18:49 -0500 answered a question Add measure from github to Openstudio

Answering generally: the easiest to checkout the repository, and point your "My measures" folder to the measures/ direct

2024-06-21 04:18:30 -0500 edited question Add measure from github to Openstudio

Add meassure from github to Openstudio How you can add a meassure from github to my openstudio model? This is the meass

2024-06-18 01:58:12 -0500 commented question OpenStudio Year/Week/Day Schedule trouble

Could you try the same in 3.8.0 please? I don't feel like investigating something that might have already been fixed (co

2024-06-17 02:17:19 -0500 commented question Online BCL is empty is up today at least.

2024-06-14 03:01:12 -0500 commented question How to actuate Fan Airflow through Python

These are still not the EnergyManagementSystem:Program and EnergyManagementSystem:ProgramCallingManager, both objects ar

2024-06-13 02:15:27 -0500 commented question How I can solve socket.cfg in energyplus FMU

Hard to say given how little information you gave us as to how you're trying to connect the FMU. That socket.cfg is a fi

2024-06-13 02:09:55 -0500 edited question How I can solve socket.cfg in energyplus FMU

How I can solve socket.cfg in energyplus FMU Hi there, I am trying to work with energyplus FMU for a simple simulation.

2024-06-13 02:09:11 -0500 commented question OpenStudio Simulation errors

In the OpenStudioApplication, you can access the companion directory from the "Run" Tab, there is "Show Simulation" butt

2024-06-13 02:08:00 -0500 commented question OpenStudio Simulation errors

In the OpenStudioApplication, you can access the companion directory from the "Run" Tab, there is "Show Simulation" butt

2024-06-13 02:07:31 -0500 commented question OpenStudio Simulation errors

In the OpenStudioApplication, you can access the companion directory from the "Run" Tab, there is "Show Simulation" butt

2024-06-13 02:05:38 -0500 commented question OpenStudio Simulation errors

None of these are hard errors, and can probably be ignored. Your issue is something else. If it fails to simulate in E+,

2024-06-13 02:03:13 -0500 commented question How to actuate Fan Airflow through Python

These are still not the EnergyManagementSystem:Program and EnergyManagementSystem:ProgramCallingManager, both objects ar

2024-06-07 02:36:38 -0500 commented answer Python errors with openstudio::path

Fixed in OS SDK 3.8.0 via

2024-06-07 02:36:28 -0500 commented question Error when loading openstudio model using python after v3.7

Fixed in 3.8.0 FYI.

2024-06-07 02:35:04 -0500 commented question How to actuate Fan Airflow through Python

Where is the EMS:Program and EMS:ProgramCallingManager?

2024-06-07 02:34:26 -0500 edited answer References for OpenStudio Schedule objects

ScheduleRuleset is an OpenStudio specific object provided for convenience. It has: A default ScheduleDay Potential s

2024-06-07 02:21:13 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2024-06-07 02:21:13 -0500 answered a question References for OpenStudio Schedule objects

ScheduleRuleset is an OpenStudio specific object provided for convenience. It has: A default ScheduleDay Potential s

2024-05-27 03:24:49 -0500 answered a question Updated Variable Values Not Reflecting in EnergyPlus Output Files

This is just the wrong EMS calling point, You're using callback_end_zone_timestep_after_zone_reporting. Please refer to

2024-05-15 02:33:11 -0500 commented question Running PAT on VirtualBox VM - server won't launch

@BrianLBall does that ring a bell to you please?

2024-05-13 03:17:36 -0500 commented question Running PAT on VirtualBox VM - server won't launch

I find it strange that your project (apparently named debugger3 and placed at C:\ParametricAnalysisTool-3.6.1\pat\debugg

2024-05-13 03:13:24 -0500 commented question Running PAT on VirtualBox VM - server won't launch

Can you open cmd.exe (or powershell), and run that openstudio_meta start_local command with a --verbose adde din between

2024-05-13 03:13:01 -0500 commented question Running PAT on VirtualBox VM - server won't launch

Can you open cmd.exe (or powershell), and run that openstudio_meta start_local command with a --verbose adde din between

2024-05-13 03:06:51 -0500 edited question Running PAT on VirtualBox VM - server won't launch

Running PAT on VirtualBox VM - server won't launch Hello! I have a goal to install OpenStudio Application and Parametri

2024-04-25 10:05:48 -0500 commented answer Error using ComStock create_typical_building_from_model measure

See: climate_zone = czs.climateZones[0] "#{climate_zone.institution} 169-#{climate_zone.year}-#{climate_zone.value}"

2024-04-25 10:05:38 -0500 commented answer Error using ComStock create_typical_building_from_model measure

climate_zone = czs.climateZones[0] "#{climate_zone.institution} 169-#{climate_zone.year}-#{climate_zone.value}" =>

2024-04-25 10:05:27 -0500 commented answer Error using ComStock create_typical_building_from_model measure

climate_zone = czs.climateZones[0] "#{climate_zone.institution} 169-#{climate_zone.year}-#{climate_zone.value}" =>

2024-04-25 10:04:32 -0500 commented answer Error using ComStock create_typical_building_from_model measure

Adjust the climate zone tags like I said. The correct value is demonstrated below m = czs

2024-04-25 10:03:57 -0500 commented answer Error using ComStock create_typical_building_from_model measure

Adjust the climate zone tags like I said. The correct value is demonstrated below m =

2024-04-25 09:59:50 -0500 commented answer Error using ComStock create_typical_building_from_model measure

It's expecting ASHRAE 169-2013-3C not ASHRAE 169-2006-ASHRAE 169-2013-3C.

2024-04-25 07:13:02 -0500 answered a question Error using ComStock create_typical_building_from_model measure

It fails here:

2024-04-25 07:13:02 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2024-04-23 10:11:11 -0500 commented answer How can I generate an eQuest "parms" equivalent in OpenStudio?

Either use PAT, or write your own. You can load the sqlFile (either in Ruby/Python directly, or via OpenStudio::SqlFile