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What is meant by End Uses Fans in EPLUS outputs

Dear community,

I am using HVAC template:System Unitary modules for my EnergyPlus model to calculate HVAC energy demand under different building scenarios. I further use Zone:Ventilation:Design Flowrate module to simulate natural ventilation of the building. Actually I am using a mixed-mode condition.

In the simulation result summary table I am getting energy demand under Fans which I do not understand due to what? (Please check the image attached) image description

What is meant by End Uses Fans in EPLUS outputs

Dear community,

I am using HVAC template:System Unitary modules for my EnergyPlus model to calculate HVAC energy demand under different building scenarios. I further use Zone:Ventilation:Design Flowrate module to simulate natural ventilation of the building. Actually I am using a mixed-mode condition.

In the simulation result summary table I am getting energy demand under Fans which I do not understand due to what? (Please check the image attached) image description

What is meant by End Uses Fans in EPLUS outputs

Dear community,

I am using HVAC template:System Unitary modules for my EnergyPlus model to calculate HVAC energy demand under different building scenarios. I further use Zone:Ventilation:Design Flowrate module to simulate natural ventilation of the building. Actually I am using a mixed-mode condition.

In the simulation result summary table I am getting energy demand under Fans which I do not understand due to what? (Please check the image attached) attached). I am really greatful if you could help me with this.

Thank you! image description