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daylight basement and staircase BEopt

Is there any way to model daylight basements in BEopt? It seems like it's either you simulate a fully below-grade basement or above-grade structure. The finished basement I want to model is 4.5ft underground and 4.5ft above. furthermore, is there any option to create a staircase space? Thanks for the insight.

daylight basement and staircase BEopt

Is there any way to model daylight basements in BEopt? It seems like it's either you simulate a fully below-grade basement or above-grade structure. The finished basement I want to model is 4.5ft underground and 4.5ft above. furthermore, is there any option to create a staircase space? Thanks for the insight.

daylight basement and staircase BEopt

Is there any way to model daylight basements in BEopt? It seems like it's either you simulate a fully below-grade basement or above-grade structure. The finished basement I want to model is 4.5ft underground and 4.5ft above. furthermore, is there any option to create a staircase space? Thanks for the insight.