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heat gain and loss

hi guys! I am trying to find out the heat gain and loss from one building due to windows and infiltration. My problem is that it turns out that the results of the simutaion show heat gains during the winter. why do i have heat gains in the winter when indoor temperature is higher that the outdoor? and also why the infiltration gains are such low in comparison to infiltration losses for every month? is it normal?

heat gain and loss

hi guys! I am trying to find out the heat gain and loss from one building due to windows and infiltration. My problem is that it turns out that the results of the simutaion show heat gains during the winter. why do i have heat gains in the winter when indoor temperature is higher that the outdoor? and also why the infiltration gains are such low in comparison to infiltration losses for every month? is it normal?

heat gain and loss

hi guys! I am trying to find out the heat gain and loss from one building due to windows and infiltration. My problem is that it turns out that the results of the simutaion simulation show heat gains during the winter. why do i have heat gains in the winter when indoor temperature is higher that the outdoor? and also why the infiltration gains are such low in comparison to lower than infiltration losses for every month? is it normal?