If you look in the <filename>.mtd file you will see the meter details which contains what you are looking for. It is documented at:
And click on the link for "eplusout.mtd"
(The link directly to that portion did not seem to work when I tried it).
It is described as:
The meter details file consists of two
For report variables that are on meters, it shows all the meters that
the report variable is on. In the
following example, “Meters for” , is
shown and then the meters that
accumulate the value of that variable
as a “meter”.
For each meter, the report variables that make up that meter are
shown. In the following example, “For
Meter=” , “contents are:” and then
each variable that occurs on that
“meter” are shown.
I think what you want is in the second half. Unfortunately, the list of output variables that are contained in Electricity:Facility is usually very long, often dozens or hundreds of variables.
To include them in the ESO file, each one would need an Output:Variable object.