Is there a way to schedule batch jobs in MS-DOS ?
I am trying to use an API on a Web weather site that limits access to no more than 10 calls per minute. Since I need to call the API 365 times, I would like to set up a batch script that calls the API once a minute. I've looked through the Web looking for how to do this, but have yet to find a way that works. Has anyone else had this need, and found a method to do this? That would save me a lot of time.
You can do it in python directly. Much easier. I assume the website is weatherunderground? This is off-topic, so you might want to contact me in private if you need.
I think it can not be implemented using only MS-DOS.You can use javascript/C# or other programe languages.
@Ruggiero Yes, you're right. WeatherUnderground now longer allows "data scraping" of their site, replacing it with an API that limits the amount of calls depending on the subscription. I would like to contact you to discuss python, with which I'm not very familiar. My e-mail address in