ResStock Turn HVAC Off in Apply Upgrade Error
I am using ResStock v2.2.4, OpenStudio v2.9.0, and EnergyPlus v9.2.
My housing_characteristics tsv files are edited to have the following distributions:100% Propane in Heating Fuel.tsv and 100% SEER 15 Central AC in HVAC System Cooling.tsv.
This means I am fixing the baseline HVAC equipment.
I am trying to use PAT to turn off HVAC equipment, keeping all the other building characteristics in the sample the same.
I have done this by specifying in the Apply Upgrade Measure Option 1 field;
HVAC System Heating Propane|None
and similarly in the Apply Upgrade Measure Option 2 field:
HVAC System Cooling|None
Both of these parameter|option pairs I sourced from options_lookup.tsv.
When I ran my simulation, all of my columns in results.csv in localResults were blank, and I could not find an enduse_timeseries.csv file in any of my folders.
Any idea why this is happening?
I don't at all follow. You are evaluating an upgrade to existing homes where you remove the HVAC systems? Why?
We want to simulate the building stock with and without HVAC because that allows us to get rudimentary estimates of thermal mass and conductivity. The Apply Upgrade measure should allow us to remove the HVAC system so we can measure the zone air temperature for the exact same building stock without HVAC in place.
I am getting completed, invalid workflow for all datapoints in which I try to set the HVAC system parameter to option "None."