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Cannot catch reflective glare with radiance

asked 2020-04-15 03:24:31 -0600

yongqingzhao's avatar

updated 2020-04-15 10:44:41 -0600

I am modeling the curtain-wall reflective glare, and I use BRTDfunc to model the reflective glaze.

void  BRTDfunc    RefliteArcticBlue6mm_front
      0.555     0.561     0.478
      0.147     0.164     0.120
      0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

But I cannot catch the reflective glare in the rendered picture. I also tried to bump up the -ab -ad -bp parameters, however, it still didn't work. Below is my command line.

PATH=C:\Radiance\BIN;F:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Ecotect Analysis 2011;$PATH

oconv outdoordaylight2_sky.rad outdoordaylight2.rad > outdoordaylight2.oct
set ROPT=-dp 10000 -ar 90 -ms 0.13 -ds .2 -dt .05 -dc .75 -dr 3 -sj 1 -st .001 -ab 20 -af outdoordaylight2.amb -aa .08 -ad 5000 -as 512 -av 10 10 10 -lr 40 -lw .0001
set VIEW=-vtv -vp -37.136 -23.568 27.599 -vd 42.636 28.068 -22.599 -vu 0 0 1 -vh 32.000 -vv 24.000 -vs 0 -vl 0
rpict -t 120 $VIEW $ROPT -x 64 -y 64 -ps 1 outdoordaylight2.oct > outdoordaylight2_overture_16644.unf
rpict -t 120 $VIEW -x 2400 -y 1800 -ps 3 -pt .04 $ROPT outdoordaylight2.oct > outdoordaylight2_c1.unf
pfilt -m .25 -x /3 -y /3 outdoordaylight2_c1.unf > outdoordaylight2_c1.pic
del outdoordaylight2_overture_16644.unf
rpict -t 120 $VIEW -x 2400 -y 1800 -ps 3 -pt .04 $ROPT outdoordaylight2.oct > outdoordaylight2_c2.unf
pfilt -m .25 -x /3 -y /3 outdoordaylight2_c2.unf > outdoordaylight2_c2.pic
del outdoordaylight2_c2.unf
RadianceIV .\outdoordaylight2*.pic

The final rendered picture is shown as following:image description

radiance files are at

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answered 2020-04-16 12:34:20 -0600

updated 2020-04-16 12:35:12 -0600

When you say you're not "catching" reflected glare I assume you mean you don't see an accurate specular reflection. This is a tricky one to get right, especially for a climate-based annual modality. Generally speaking, the best option is to use photon mapping, which is supported on more recent versions of Radiance (I see an Ecotect reference in your environment and assume you're using an older Radiance version).

This presentation may pique your interest (, and for more useful discussion I encourage you to repost your question to the Radiance-online Discourse forum, where the developer of the photon map module in Radiance (Roland Schregle) lives:

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Asked: 2020-04-15 03:24:31 -0600

Seen: 160 times

Last updated: Apr 16 '20