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Problem running the Radiance measure in OpenStudio 1.10.0: ERROR: Model does not contain any Radiance daylighting objects

asked 2016-02-23 03:50:11 -0500

DavidFGG's avatar

updated 2016-10-20 19:36:10 -0500

I am using EP version 8.4.0, OS 1.10.0 on Windows 10 operating system. When i try to run the simulation with the Radiance measure it terminates.The stdout file looks like this:


[utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always On Discrete', points to an object named OnOff from field 1, but that object cannot be located.
[utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always Off Discrete', points to an object named OnOff 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located.
[utilities.idf.WorkspaceObject] <0> Object of type 'Schedule:Constant' and named 'Always On Continuous', points to an object named Fractional 1 from field 1, but that object cannot be located.
[openstudio.runmanager.LocalProcess] <1> Starting LocalProcess: C:/Program Files/OpenStudio 1.10.0/share/openstudio/EnergyPlusV8-4-0/ExpandObjects.exe
[openstudio.runmanager.LocalProcess] <1> Starting LocalProcess: C:/Program Files/OpenStudio 1.10.0/share/openstudio/EnergyPlusV8-4-0/energyplus.exe
[openstudio.radiance.ForwardTranslator] <0> Secondary DaylightingControl Daylighting Control 1 is not supported by Radiance, it will not be translated.
[openstudio.radiance.ForwardTranslator] <1> Model does not contain any Radiance daylighting objects.
Script executing from: C:/Users/David/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.y10192/resources/run/1-UserScript-0
Found argument 'apply_schedules' with value 'Yes'.
Found argument 'use_cores' with value 'Default'.
Found argument 'rad_settings' with value 'Model'.
Found argument 'image_type' with value 'Simple'.
Found UserScript 'Radiance Daylighting Measure'.
[Radiance Measure 2016-02-23 08:58:04 UTC]: Radiance multiprocessing features are not supported on Windows.
[Radiance Measure 2016-02-23 08:58:04 UTC]: Using 1 core(s) for Radiance jobs
[Radiance Measure 2016-02-23 08:58:04 UTC]: Adding path for local perl: C:\Program Files\OpenStudio 1.10.0\strawberry-perl-\perl\bin
[Radiance Measure 2016-02-23 08:58:05 UTC]: Creating workflow
[Radiance Measure 2016-02-23 08:58:05 UTC]: Running jobs in eplus_preprocess
[Radiance Measure 2016-02-23 08:58:14 UTC]: ERROR: Model does not contain any Radiance daylighting objects.
[Radiance Measure 2016-02-23 08:58:14 UTC]: Model issue(s) caused EnergyPlus preprocess failure, aborting.


The simulatiom was run on a basic one story model with 4 spaces and a thermal zone for each one, using ideal air loads. The used daylighting simulating tools were ann illuminance map and a daylighting controle point.

Could this be because i am using windows 10?

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-02-23 11:41:43 -0500

While untested on Windows 10, I doubt that's the problem here. Double-check that the illuminance maps and daylight control points you've placed in your model are actually hooked up to thermal zones. The best place to do this is in the SketchUp plugin, rather than the app. See the image below, which shows a single zone model with a daylighting control and illuminance map assigned to it, in the plugin's inspector:

image description

If your model still fails, send me a link to download your model's run directory and I'll have a look-see.

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I also recommend following the advice here.

rpg777's avatar rpg777  ( 2016-02-23 15:09:07 -0500 )edit

Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately the problem is still the same. My daylighting object were already assigned to the thermal zones. I also tryed with the new Radiance measure you suggested but the problem is the same.

Here is the link to the run directory.

Thank you for your help.

DavidFGG's avatar DavidFGG  ( 2016-02-24 05:15:03 -0500 )edit

It appears there is still something amiss in this particular model. Could you please send a link to the osm? I also recommend updating to 1.10.4 and getting the Radiance measure update posted in the link in my first comment here. But first things first, send us a link to your model, thanks.

rpg777's avatar rpg777  ( 2016-02-24 09:43:40 -0500 )edit

OK...i have update OS to the 1.10.4 version. The problems are a little bit different (with the OS Radiance measure the simulation terminates earlier than the MY Radiance measure) now, but the Radiance simulations still does not work. Here is the link to the documentes and to the osm file.

Again, thank you for your help.

DavidFGG's avatar DavidFGG  ( 2016-02-26 04:11:38 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-02-23 03:50:11 -0500

Seen: 376 times

Last updated: Feb 23 '16