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Radiance measure fails on OpenStudio 1.10.x

asked 2016-02-23 14:58:46 -0600

updated 2017-04-16 14:43:21 -0600

I have installed OpenStudio 1.10.x and the Radiance measure fails. How come? Why? What gives? WT*?

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answered 2016-02-23 15:08:04 -0600

There are a couple of lingering issues with the Radiance measure in OpenStudio v1.10, unfortunately. Glare sensors are not well supported in early 1.10 releases (1.10.0, 1.10.1, 1.10.2). Version 1.10.3 supports multiple glare sensors and includes some other enhancements, but unfortunately does not work on Windows, and 1.10.4 shipped with a bug in the bug fix (follow that?). What to do?

Mac/Linux-based users:

Use iteration release v1.10.3 or (preferably) later.

Windows-based users:

OpenStudio 1.10.5 will work, but is not due for release until March 7, 2016 or thereabouts. In the meantime, we recommend all Windows-based users wishing to use the Radiance daylighting measure update to iteration release v1.10.4, and use a patched version of the Radiance measure. Follow the steps below to get and use the patched measure:

  • Download the measure update from this link.
  • Unzip the measure to your user measure directory (by default this is located at c:\Users[your_user_name]\OpenStudio\Measures). You should have a new directory (in c:\Users[your_user_name]\OpenStudio\Measures) called "radiance_measure_patched", containing a "measure.rb" and "measure.xml" file.
  • Load OpenStudio, and look at your measures tab. Under "Electric Lighting...Electric LIghting COntrols", you will now see two copies of the Radiance Daylighting Measure -- one with an 'OS' prefix next to the OpenStudio Icon, and one with a 'My' prefix. The latter (circled in the image below) is the patched measure and is the one you should apply to your model(s).

All users:

  • Update to 1.10.5 when available, and resume the use of the internal ('OS') Radiance Daylighting Measure.
  • Accept my apologies for any inconvenience you've experienced thus far!

Original and Patched Radiance Measures

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Asked: 2016-02-23 14:58:46 -0600

Seen: 368 times

Last updated: Feb 23 '16