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2019-03-15 14:03:04 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2016-11-07 14:09:48 -0500 asked a question What are the system requirements for the C# bindings?


I just would like clarification as what the system requirements are to use the C# bindings in a program that I make using the bindings? I'm not building them myself. I'm just using what comes with Open Studio.

I've had some crashes and determined that adding these two DLLS: msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll stopped the crashes from occurring.

So does that mean I need to have my installer install the C++ runtime for VS 2013?

2016-05-18 14:20:31 -0500 commented answer Why does this measure not download?

It still does not work to upload a new version. I tried Firefox and Chrome.

2016-05-17 12:55:04 -0500 commented answer Why does this measure not download?

I'm trying to upload a new version of the measure but when I hit the save button all I get is: The specified URL cannot be found.

2016-05-16 19:51:04 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-05-16 15:25:49 -0500 asked a question Why does this measure not download?

If I try to download this measure in OpenStudio it doesn't seem to work. Adding infiltration correlated for weather and building characteristics

2015-10-15 15:01:18 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2015-10-15 14:41:02 -0500 answered a question Csharp for OpenStudio

Make sure you are not mixing architectures (32 bit vs 64 bit). If the version of Open Studio you got the DLL's from was 64 bit, then your C# program has to be 64 bit and vice versa. Don't use the Any CPU option.

I ran into a problem like this when moving to a new version of Open Studio since I inadvertently switched from 32 to 64 bit.