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2023-06-13 08:40:38 -0600 commented question Design Builder Air to Air Heat Pump important question

@aaron-boranian i think that this could be the source of the problem, i used Unitary Air to air Heat pump, i didn't touc

2023-06-09 11:33:38 -0600 commented answer Design Builder Air to Air Heat Pump important question

Thanks for the answer, unfortunately wasn't the same problem .

2023-06-08 09:00:33 -0600 asked a question Design Builder Air to Air Heat Pump important question

Design Builder Air to Air Heat Pump important question So, simply, i turn to detailed HVAC mode, and I select unitary Ai

2023-04-19 09:09:20 -0600 commented question BIPV Problem IntegratedSurfaceOutsideFace mode in PV -

What i did is , ( Took the EP files exported from Design builder (V8.6) and updated to (9.4) and it works just fine, but

2023-04-17 09:22:10 -0600 commented question BIPV Problem IntegratedSurfaceOutsideFace mode in PV -

@aaron-boranian it is not the same, i unsed version updater to math it with my EP, but i ckecked both versions, the obje

2023-04-16 18:51:06 -0600 commented question BIPV Problem IntegratedSurfaceOutsideFace mode in PV -

Thank you for answering, i used DB alot, and it always render acurate idf files, it is the first time having this issue,

2023-04-14 12:11:36 -0600 asked a question BIPV Problem IntegratedSurfaceOutsideFace mode in PV -

BIPV Problem IntegratedSurfaceOutsideFace mode in PV - I used Designbuilder to model a BIPV on the southern wall of the