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2015-02-12 09:16:31 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2015-02-12 07:53:05 -0500 answered a question ModelToRad Error in Simulation

Found a solution to this:

I was having the same problem, and dug a little deeper. ModeltoRad can't find EnergyPlus when it tries to, and so it fails. The stderr file shows that line 129 of ModelToRad fails with no input to a method. That's the EnergyPlus location. ModelToRad uses findEnergyPlus.rb to search for EnergyPlus, but findEnergyPlus is presuming that e+ is in the same old locations that it used to be (C:/EnergyPlus or /EnergyPlus). With the recent builds of OpenStudio, though, EnergyPlus is being bundled into the OS installer, and we don't install it on it's own anymore. EnergyPlus is now in a different location: [OpenStudioroot]/sharedresources/EnergyPlus[version], but findEnergyPlus.rb doesn't know to look there.

The solution is simple, if a little kludgy. Edit your findEnergyPlus.rb file. find it in: (Windows) C:\Program Files\OpenStudio [version]\Ruby\openstudio\energyplus\ (Mac) /Applications/OpenStudio [version]/Ruby/openstudio/emergyplus/

Go down to line 86 where you'll see the search code. For Windows, insert the following line of code at line 90, right below the first potentialpaths line: potentialpaths=Dir.glob('C:/Program Files/OpenStudio 1.5.5/share/openstudio/EnergyPlus*')

For OS1.6 it looks like (I have it installed on E drive, watch the syntax for the same 89 line!) potential_paths = Dir.glob('E:/Program Files/OpenStudio 1.6.0/share/openstudio/EnergyPlusV8-2-0*')

For Mac, same thing, just at line 97: potential_paths=Dir.glob('/Applications/OpenStudio 1.5.5/sharedresources/openstudio/EnergyPlus*')

NOTE: I'm using OpenStudio 1.5.5, so put this in the path, but if you're using 1.6.0, or something else, just put the proper version for your file path.

Save the file (you may need to change or authorize permissions to save the file). Now ModelToRad will run, and OpenStudio can use Radiance.

This seems to apply to all recent versions -- I've done this on both 1.5.5 and 1.6.0 and it worked on both. It likely applies to many others. Hopefully NREL can fix this little bug (and make it more universal using a path variable) for future releases.

I hope this helps! It got me working.