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2017-01-19 10:27:05 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2017-01-19 09:39:44 -0500 commented question glazing not showing up in results

I am using (or trying to use) openstudio. I can see the glazing in the model, i have checked the subsurfaces and they are showing glazing. In openstudio the glazing is specified. the results show the different envelope materials, which is from the same tab so i assume the glazing should be reported. anything else I should be doing?

2017-01-18 20:20:21 -0500 commented answer why plastic pipes are used in radiant cooling system

the actual material is cross linked polyethylene. There were graphs circulated that said the material would last 100 years. However the pipe hadn't been in production for more than 30 years, so how could the company provide a 100 year guarantee? we will find out in about 60 years. the first radiant floor slabs had steel and copper pipes, but as you can gather from todays market PEX has the market.

2017-01-18 20:20:21 -0500 commented answer OpenStudio vs Design Builder

I think the real answer to the question is what program does the user feel happier with and that provides correct and accurate results for the client.

2017-01-18 20:20:21 -0500 commented answer E+ PMV-PPD calculation mismatch

I would suggest using the CBE online Comfort Tool to Calculate both PPD and PMV at all your different conditions.

2017-01-18 20:20:20 -0500 asked a question glazing not showing up in results

I have glazing in my model, no errors, yet when I look at the envelope summary in results the glazing table is empty?

2017-01-18 19:58:27 -0500 received badge  Autobiographer