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2016-12-01 13:27:34 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-11-30 08:50:56 -0500 asked a question 2 building basic example files: run from command line

Hi All, I like to work with command line tools. I have installed energy plus from GitHub repo. I have the executable. I want to perform a basic simulation with a much default settings as possible. I understand that two input files are needed: 1. idx file which has all energy plus inputs 2. weather data file 3. idd (data directory) These can be specified from the command prompt as: energyplus -i custom.idd -w weather.epw input.idf

Let us assume that my two buildings are: 10x10x70 and 15x10x90 in a 50x50x150 area. Please point to or even better give an idx file that does this. I'd finally like to visualize results, but I don't want to setup (pre-process) the problem in a GUI environment.

Many thanks.