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2022-10-13 13:34:02 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-03-06 15:19:03 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-10-01 07:36:13 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-06-16 08:10:10 -0500 commented answer Unitary System Performance

Hi Chandan thank you for your response. I am having trouble inserting these objects. At first, I tried to manually update the .osc file to include these objects IAW with the bigladder unitarysystem definition. This proved to be unsuccessful. I tried to look through the OS API but cannot find a method that inserts this object. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong location. Do you know how to insert this object?

2016-06-14 14:47:24 -0500 asked a question Unitary System Performance

I have successfully cloned a Unitary System from a component model into an airloop, and inserted a setpoint manager, air terminal, and zone. However, I have received an error that I am not sure how to resolve. The error message reads:

"Cooling coil object type requires valid UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed for cooling to be specified with number of speeds > 0"

If anyone has some pointers on what is the main issue, that would be great.

2016-05-12 11:43:52 -0500 commented question OpenStudio Version Discrepancies Errors

I just now saw your comment, but you are right. I revised that file and no errors seem to be occurring. Thanks for the help!

2016-05-12 11:20:57 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2016-05-12 10:30:42 -0500 answered a question OpenStudio Version Discrepancies Errors

I think I may have temporarily resolved the problem. The issue boiled down to which version the MTH150.osm file was saved as. For instance, when I originally ran the measure (successfully), the MTH150 was saved with version identifier 1.10.1, but I must have edited some things in the GUI and it must have saved as 1.11.0. The errors occurred because there are several differences between versions 1.10.1 and 1.11.0 when considering the object 'OS:Sizing:Zone.' The attached document shows the differences in their definitions. As far as the error message is concerned, I'm assuming that there is a handle defined somewhere that points to version 1.10.1 instead of 1.11.0, and because 1.11.0 defines the OS:Sizing:Zone object differently, then the error was struck. Due to the error being struck, it pretty much nullified the entire MTH150.osm file, and when attempted to be retrieved in the measure, the measure failed. I resolved this issue by just defining a new unit heater in version 1.10.1.

However, the issue remains that there is a version discrepancy, and at some point, I probably need to use only 1.11.0. Unfortunately, I'm not really sure what to fix to resolve the core issue. Any help would be great!

image description

2016-05-11 07:11:08 -0500 commented answer OpenStudio Version Discrepancies Errors

Hi David,

I believe the translation was completed in a similar way to what you describe above, except the variable 'translator' was defined in previous lines. Anyways, the measure isn't on BCL, but I will send you an email of the folder.

2016-05-10 13:58:18 -0500 commented question OpenStudio Version Discrepancies Errors

I'm running them on a git shell. I've gone through the Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, and Rakefile for the specific repository that the measure is located in but can't seem to locate specific lines of code that point to an older version of OpenStudio. Does that make sense?

2016-05-10 13:45:08 -0500 asked a question OpenStudio Version Discrepancies Errors

I have recently successfully run an OpenStudio measure without any errors, but until today, the measure does not successfully run. The error I am receiving is new, and judging by the general description, it appears to pertain to a version discrepancy. I believe I updated OpenStudio to 1.11.0 after successfully running the measure, but didn't realize the updating would cause problems. Needless to say, I'm not really sure how to tackle the issue, so any help would be great.

To clarify, several lines of code were written to clone a unit heater from an osm file (MTH150.osm). The code is:

        heater_path ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/MTH150.osm")
        translator =

        # Clone Unit Heater and Add To Thermal Zone
        heater_clone = heater_in_zone.clone(model).to_ZoneHVACUnitHeater.get

Portions of the error message can be seen by the attachment. Again, I have not had any problems with running the measure before and am not certain of how to approach the problem.

image description

2016-04-27 09:38:01 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-04-27 09:22:24 -0500 commented question Cloning ZoneHVACUniHeater failed to addToThermalZone

You are right. I changed the line of code to

heater_clone.addToThermalZone(thermalZones[0]) .... and the error was resolved.

2016-04-27 08:25:41 -0500 asked a question Cloning ZoneHVACUniHeater failed to addToThermalZone

Hi, I am trying to clone a ZoneHVACUnitHeater from a seed .osm file. I was able to successfully clone the heater (heater_in_zone), but was not able to add the unit heater to a thermal zone (thermalZone). My lines of code are:

# Load Heater components unless "no heater" is selected
     if heater_name.eql?("No Heater")
        heat = true
        heater_path ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/#{heater_name}.osm")


heater_clone = heater_in_zone.clone(model).to_ZoneHVACUnitHeater.get

When run, the following error occurs:

"Expected argument 1 of type openstudio::model::ThermalZone &, but got Array [#< SWIG method 'addToThermalZone.'"

I'm pretty new to Ruby so am not sure the correct protocol for cloning objects. If anyone could help me that would be great!

2016-04-27 08:25:41 -0500 asked a question Cloning ZoneHVACUniHeater failed to addToThermalZone

Hi, I am trying to clone a ZoneHVACUnitHeater from a seed .osm file. I was able to successfully clone the heater (heater_in_zone), but was not able to add the unit heater to a thermal zone (thermalZone). My lines of code are:

heater_clone = heater_in_zone.clone(model).to_ZoneHVACUnitHeater.get heater_clone.addToThermalZone(thermalZones)

When run, the following error occurs: "Expected argument 1 of type openstudio::model::ThermalZone &, but got Array [#< swig="" method="" 'addtothermalzone.'"<="" p="">

I'm pretty new to Ruby so am not sure the correct protocol for cloning objects. If anyone could help me that would be great!