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2016-08-25 13:40:14 -0500 asked a question Why am I not getting the output data from the .eso file?


I´m having trouble viewing de data output from the .eso file. I´m aware that at first, in the document I´m going to see the data output dictionary, but after that I´m not getting the data from those variables. My file is very simple, it´s naturally ventilated 8 thermal zone building. I made it in OpenStudio, then imported the .idf file to add and review some details to compare results. What I´m most interested in is in getting the zone mean temperature data. In the output:variables I listed a lot of differente variables that I want to see, but after I simulate non of the data is given. (IMAGE .eso file) image description When I open the Variables in View Results, it opens an excel sheet that´s empty.

What seems to be the problem? Do I need a special program?

Thank you, Maria

2016-02-25 13:06:37 -0500 commented question Why does my model after simulating goes blank in sketchup?

If I close the model, and start a new one without quitting sketchup, the new model is blank, cannot extrude or push up or even using the "create spaces from diagram" it gives me any surface. But, when I quit sketchup and open it again, and start a new osm model it works perfectly.

2016-02-25 13:02:00 -0500 commented question Why does my model after simulating goes blank in sketchup?

I open the model always with the OpenStudio toolbar, it does not show any error, it shows the model with the xray vision just like the photo. I already tried the diagnostic script like the one you mention in the post, but the model is still in xray after it, just like the photo still.

2016-02-25 12:27:35 -0500 asked a question Why does my model after simulating goes blank in sketchup?

The model I've been working on went into xray vision in sketchup after several simulations in openstudio and doesnt go back to any of the properties of the openstudio renders. Even when clicking the surfaces with the inspector it doesnt show any information. But the information in the openstudio app are still intact and I can still make simulations. How can I look at my model again?

image description

2016-02-19 16:55:28 -0500 asked a question What to do when there isnt a HVAC system, only natural ventilation in the model?

How can I simulate a model that doesnt use HVAC system, it is only refrigerated by a normal electric plugable fan and natural ventilation. I've read others question regarding this topic, but they all said that in OS 1.9 it would probably be resolved. Now the OP 1.10 is already developed. In my model, in "thermal zones" I add to each Natural Ventilation in Zone Equipment, but it gives me errors, also tried to add unit ventilator cooling and gives me error. What can I do?

2016-02-10 10:46:48 -0500 commented answer Envelope section failed and was skipped

Thank yo so much. That was the issue there...:)

2016-02-09 21:59:35 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2016-02-09 19:24:10 -0500 asked a question Envelope section failed and was skipped

When running the simulation, this part of it doenst generate results and says the following:

Envelope section failed and was skipped because: Optional not initialized. Detail on error follows.

["C:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/user_script.rb:158:in eval'\nC:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/resources/os_lib_reporting.rb:1608:inblock in envelope_section_section'\nC:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/resources/os_lib_reporting.rb:1603:in each'\nC:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/resources/os_lib_reporting.rb:1603:inenvelope_section_section'\n(eval):1:in block in run'\nC:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/user_script.rb:158:ineval'\nC:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/user_script.rb:158:in block in run'\nC:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/user_script.rb:153:ineach'\nC:/Users/JGC/AppData/Local/Temp/OpenStudio.ba5456/resources/run/6-UserScript-0/mergedjob-1/user_script.rb:153:in run'\nmergedjob-0/in.rb:387:in '"]

What can I do???????? Please help
