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2015-09-02 14:30:29 -0500 asked a question how do I use the -5 option of gendaymtx?

when I enter:

gendaymtx -5 -m 6 -d -of my.wea > my.smx

program aborts and the standard usage message prints to stderr

when I instead try:

gendaymtx -5 -d -of my.wea > my.smx


gendaymtx -m 6 -5 -d -of my.wea > my.smx

the program seems to run fine, however examining the output shows non zero values for every bin that match the output of:

gendaymtx -m 6 -of my.wea > my.smx

if I run gendaymtx without the -5 option:

gendaymtx -m 6 -d -of my.wea > my.smx

I get the expected 0's in all but the 3 bins closest to the sun.

I'm running Mac OS Mavericks and I tried this with a gendaymtx compiled from HEAD in May as well as with the precompiled installer 5.0.a.4.


2015-08-31 20:22:45 -0500 commented answer What is the preferred method for combining BSDF files?

gregs rmtxop command above works, except for the -C option is throwing an error, could be my version of radiance, although -C is documented in my man page. here is the command that worked for me:

rmtxop -fa -c .27 .67 .06 interior_layer.xml -c .27 .67 .06 exterior_layer.xml | getinfo - | wrapBSDF -W -c -a kf -tf - -f "m=Maker;n=Name;t=10" -u centimeter > combined.xml
2015-08-27 11:20:58 -0500 commented answer What is the preferred method for combining BSDF files?

thanks greg. I've used the BSDF + regular glass description with much success in the past, but won't be possible in this case as both layers have complex distributions. I'll compare the rmtxop path with window 6 and let you know what I find. In the rmtxop command, do the units only apply to the thickness value, or do they need to match the units used in the original BSDF generation?

2015-08-26 15:07:41 -0500 asked a question What is the preferred method for combining BSDF files?

If I have two xml files describing parts of a CFS (such as blinds + window) what is the best way to combine their effect for: A. phase/matrix multiplication method B. classic radiance simulation

For A. I could see:

  1. use genbsdf with the materials assigned to two surfaces.
  2. using an F matrix type calculation as detailed by Greg at this years radiance workshop (link)
  3. adding both components to the rmtxop command when assembling the phases.

And for B. I could:

  1. use genbsdf with the materials assigned to two surfaces.
  2. model two surfaces and apply the BSDFs separately in the scene

I would prefer a method that results in a single .xml I can use across methods (and has symmetry with other materials I am analyzing that only have one layer).



2015-08-26 11:04:45 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2015-08-26 11:04:43 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-08-25 20:06:41 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2015-08-25 19:58:32 -0500 asked a question visualizing BSDFs with BSDFviewer and rmtxop -fc

I know the question about BSDF direction has been asked and answered all over the radiance web, but I'm still confused and have a new question about the various ways of viewing BSDF data and how they make sense of the forward/backward issue:

When I make an image of a BSDF.xml file that has data for both forward and backward directions, which matrix does it return? Matching pixels to patches on the BSDFviewer, it matches "Visible Transmission Front" in distribution but the values are not exactly the same. What confuses me about that is when using rmtxop in the 3-phase method, I assume it is using the back transmission/reflection data. Any explanations?
