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Calculation point problem for Radiance Measures

My openstudio passes only 204 calculation points to radiance, however there are actually 8774, I'm not quite sure how to change this parameter. “[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Passing 204 calculation points to Radiance [16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing daylight coefficient matrices [16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad > octrees\model_dc.oct [16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing view matrix for uncontrolled windows (WG0) [16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad skies\dc_sky.rad skies\dc_sky.rad > octrees\model_WG0.oct [16:48:58.118172 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] type numeric\ | rcontrib -ab 10 -ad 65536 -as 512 -dj 1 -dp 1 -dt 0 -dc 1 -lw 1.52e-05 -I+ -fo -e MF:1 -f -b tbin -bn Ntbins -faa -o output\dc\WG0.vmx -m skyglow octrees\model_WG0.oct [16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Daylight coefficient matrices computed. [16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Performing annual daylight simulation(s) [16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] gendaymtx -m 1 "wx\in.wea" > annual-sky.mtx [16:49:39.592593 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] dctimestep output\dc\WG0.vmx annual-sky.mtx | rmtxop -fa -c 47.4 120 11.6 - > output\ts\WG0.ill [16:49:43.817445 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Creating whole-building daylight results file... [16:49:43.818487 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] INFO: Model has 0 controlled window groups [16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Finalizing output... [16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] rmtxop -fa output\ts\WG0.ill -t | getinfo - > output\merged_space.ill [16:49:45.197830 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Parsing daylighting results [16:49:45.737540 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204 ”。

I'd be grateful for any advice you can offer.

Calculation point problem for Radiance Measures

My openstudio passes only 204 calculation points to radiance, however there are actually 8774, I'm not quite sure how to change this parameter. “[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Passing 204 calculation points to Radiance [16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing daylight coefficient matrices [16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad > octrees\model_dc.oct [16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing view matrix for uncontrolled windows (WG0) [16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad skies\dc_sky.rad skies\dc_sky.rad > octrees\model_WG0.oct [16:48:58.118172 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] type numeric\ | rcontrib -ab 10 -ad 65536 -as 512 -dj 1 -dp 1 -dt 0 -dc 1 -lw 1.52e-05 -I+ -fo -e MF:1 -f -b tbin -bn Ntbins -faa -o output\dc\WG0.vmx -m skyglow octrees\model_WG0.oct [16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Daylight coefficient matrices computed. [16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Performing annual daylight simulation(s) [16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] gendaymtx -m 1 "wx\in.wea" > annual-sky.mtx [16:49:39.592593 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] dctimestep output\dc\WG0.vmx annual-sky.mtx | rmtxop -fa -c 47.4 120 11.6 - > output\ts\WG0.ill [16:49:43.817445 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Creating whole-building daylight results file... [16:49:43.818487 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] INFO: Model has 0 controlled window groups [16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Finalizing output... [16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] rmtxop -fa output\ts\WG0.ill -t | getinfo - > output\merged_space.ill [16:49:45.197830 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Parsing daylighting results [16:49:45.737540 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204 [16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204 ”。

I'd be grateful for any advice you can offer.

Calculation point problem for Radiance Measures

My openstudio passes only 204 calculation points to radiance, however there are actually 8774, I'm not quite sure how to change this parameter. “[16:48:57.067360 parameter.

[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Passing 204 calculation points to Radiance
[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing daylight coefficient matrices
[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad > octrees\model_dc.oct
[16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing view matrix for uncontrolled windows (WG0)
[16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad skies\dc_sky.rad skies\dc_sky.rad > octrees\model_WG0.oct
[16:48:58.118172 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] type numeric\ | rcontrib -ab 10 -ad 65536 -as 512 -dj 1 -dp 1 -dt 0 -dc 1 -lw 1.52e-05   -I+ -fo -e MF:1 -f -b tbin -bn Ntbins -faa -o output\dc\WG0.vmx -m skyglow octrees\model_WG0.oct
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Daylight coefficient matrices computed.
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Performing annual daylight simulation(s)
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] gendaymtx -m 1 "wx\in.wea" > annual-sky.mtx
[16:49:39.592593 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] dctimestep output\dc\WG0.vmx annual-sky.mtx | rmtxop -fa -c 47.4 120 11.6 - > output\ts\WG0.ill
[16:49:43.817445 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Creating whole-building daylight results file...
[16:49:43.818487 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] INFO: Model has 0 controlled window groups
[16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Finalizing output...
[16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] rmtxop -fa output\ts\WG0.ill -t | getinfo - > output\merged_space.ill
[16:49:45.197830 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Parsing daylighting results
[16:49:45.737540 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204

I'd be grateful for any advice you can offer.

Calculation point problem for Radiance Measures

My openstudio passes only 204 calculation points to radiance, however there are actually 8774, I'm not quite sure how to change this parameter.

[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Passing 204 calculation points to Radiance
[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing daylight coefficient matrices
[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad > octrees\model_dc.oct
[16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing view matrix for uncontrolled windows (WG0)
[16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad skies\dc_sky.rad skies\dc_sky.rad > octrees\model_WG0.oct
[16:48:58.118172 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] type numeric\ | rcontrib -ab 10 -ad 65536 -as 512 -dj 1 -dp 1 -dt 0 -dc 1 -lw 1.52e-05   -I+ -fo -e MF:1 -f -b tbin -bn Ntbins -faa -o output\dc\WG0.vmx -m skyglow octrees\model_WG0.oct
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Daylight coefficient matrices computed.
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Performing annual daylight simulation(s)
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] gendaymtx -m 1 "wx\in.wea" > annual-sky.mtx
[16:49:39.592593 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] dctimestep output\dc\WG0.vmx annual-sky.mtx | rmtxop -fa -c 47.4 120 11.6 - > output\ts\WG0.ill
[16:49:43.817445 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Creating whole-building daylight results file...
[16:49:43.818487 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] INFO: Model has 0 controlled window groups
[16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Finalizing output...
[16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] rmtxop -fa output\ts\WG0.ill -t | getinfo - > output\merged_space.ill
[16:49:45.197830 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Parsing daylighting results
[16:49:45.737540 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204

I'd be grateful for any advice you can offer.