Calculation point problem for Radiance Measures

asked 2024-05-06 06:41:50 -0500

liuhongtao's avatar

updated 2024-05-06 09:40:49 -0500

My openstudio passes only 204 calculation points to radiance, however there are actually 8774, I'm not quite sure how to change this parameter.

[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Passing 204 calculation points to Radiance
[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing daylight coefficient matrices
[16:48:57.067360 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad > octrees\model_dc.oct
[16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Computing view matrix for uncontrolled windows (WG0)
[16:48:57.582810 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] oconv materials\materials.rad model.rad skies\dc_sky.rad skies\dc_sky.rad > octrees\model_WG0.oct
[16:48:58.118172 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] type numeric\ | rcontrib -ab 10 -ad 65536 -as 512 -dj 1 -dp 1 -dt 0 -dc 1 -lw 1.52e-05   -I+ -fo -e MF:1 -f -b tbin -bn Ntbins -faa -o output\dc\WG0.vmx -m skyglow octrees\model_WG0.oct
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Daylight coefficient matrices computed.
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Performing annual daylight simulation(s)
[16:49:38.326547 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] gendaymtx -m 1 "wx\in.wea" > annual-sky.mtx
[16:49:39.592593 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] dctimestep output\dc\WG0.vmx annual-sky.mtx | rmtxop -fa -c 47.4 120 11.6 - > output\ts\WG0.ill
[16:49:43.817445 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Creating whole-building daylight results file...
[16:49:43.818487 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] INFO: Model has 0 controlled window groups
[16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Finalizing output...
[16:49:43.925926 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] rmtxop -fa output\ts\WG0.ill -t | getinfo - > output\merged_space.ill
[16:49:45.197830 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Parsing daylighting results
[16:49:45.737540 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 204 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 205 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204
[16:49:45.738537 INFO] [openstudio.measure.OSRunner] Hour is 206 but values.size[index] is only 204

I'd be grateful for any advice you can offer.

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