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VRF Performance Curve Sets and Sources

I'm trying to pull together every available set of VRF performance curves and any documentation of the original sources.

So far, I've got 3 sets (taken from the very helpful T24 ACM Appendix 5.7:

  1. EPlus Default curves, which appear to still be based on a 2012 study out of the FSEC
  2. CBECC Defutl curves, which appear to be based on work done in 2016 by NORESCO and reported in docuemnt titel "Development of Modeling Capabilities for Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems for Inclusion in CBECC-Com" which I can not find
  3. OpenStudio default curves (as described in appendix 5.7 anyway) which I am not able to find any source info on.

Then there are a few other sources I'm currently looking into:

Openstudio-Standards on github seems to have a bunch of different files with curves in them but there seems to be a lot of overlap, currently my plan is to perform a detailed review and comparison of the following (with spot checks of all the others):

  1. Curves associated with 90.1.
  2. Curves from prototype models

Ive also found some curve set on the Comstock Github page, i assume some are likely the same as those above but another contains performance maps rather than curves, but either way, ill check those out for any differnces as well

  1. vrf performance curves for Daikin-REYQ72T
  2. VRF performance maps for Daikin_RELQ_100CR_120MBH

So, my questions:

  1. For any of the above sources, particularly those used by OpenStudio, and its various offshoots, could anyone point me to documentation of the original data sources?
  2. Are there any other performance maps used in ComStock other than the one listed above (i.e., does on or both of those files contain every curve referenced in table 3 of this report)?
  3. Are there any other sources out there for curves that i should be aware of? I'm specifically looking for curves that are based on recent VRF equipment

Thanks All.