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Possible to Automate BeOpt with Modelkit/Params?

I am tasked with a project where we need to automate BeOpt. I see that Modelkit is a great tool for automating the energy modeling process. Modelkit/Params claims that it can be used with any simulation engine that accepts text-based input files. I was wondering if there was a way to utilize this scripting method with BeOpt, or if anyone has automated BeOpt using a different method. I am new to the energy modeling automation process so please excuse my ignorance to the subject. Thanks!

Possible to Automate BeOpt with Modelkit/Params?

I am tasked with a project where we need to automate BeOpt. I see that Modelkit is a great tool for automating the energy modeling process. Modelkit/Params claims that it can be used with any simulation engine that accepts text-based input files. I was wondering if there was a way to utilize this scripting method with BeOpt, or if anyone has automated BeOpt using a different method. I am new to the energy modeling automation process so please excuse my ignorance to the subject. Thanks!

Possible to Automate BeOpt with Modelkit/Params?

I am tasked with a project where we need to automate BeOpt. I see that Modelkit is a great tool for automating the energy modeling process. Modelkit/Params claims that it can be used with any simulation engine that accepts text-based input files. I was wondering if there was a way to utilize this scripting method with BeOpt, or if anyone has automated BeOpt using a different method. I am new to the energy modeling automation process so please excuse my ignorance to the subject. Thanks!