I am trying to make more use of the openstudio cli. In this context, I am using the workflow file .osw. In it, there is a line for the weather file, such as:
"weather_file": "E:/WeatherData/USA_TX_College.Station-Easterwood.Field.722445_TMY3/USA_TX_College.Station-Easterwood.Field.722445_TMY3.epw"
However, I have not seen the equivalent for the design day file, for example, does something like the following exist for the workflow file .osw:
"designday_file": "E:/WeatherData/USA_TX_College.Station-Easterwood.Field.722445_TMY3/USA_TX_College.Station-Easterwood.Field.722445_TMY3.ddy"
If not, what are the alternatives? Thanks.