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Total zone energy consumption by fuel type in EnergyPlus

Does energyplus have an output option for total energy consumption by zone and fuel source?

In the Output:Table:SummaryReports portion of the documentation, there is a table called ABUPS, or Annual Building Utility Performance Summary, and within ABUPS there is a table called 'End Uses' that summarizes the total annual building energy consumption by end-use (heating/cooling/lighting/etc) and fuel source (electric/gas/etc)- I'm looking for a similar table that corresponds to a single zone, instead of the entire building. Alternatively, a table that listed total annual building energy consumption by zone and fuel source would suffice.

Does such an output table exist? If not, is there an easy way to generate one? Or is there any output variable that shows total energy consumption (of a given fuel type, e.g. total electric or total gas) per zone?


Total zone energy consumption by fuel type in EnergyPlus

Does energyplus have an output option for total energy consumption by zone and fuel source?

In the Output:Table:SummaryReports portion of the documentation, there is a table called ABUPS, or Annual Building Utility Performance Summary, and within ABUPS there is a table called 'End Uses' that summarizes the total annual building energy consumption by end-use (heating/cooling/lighting/etc) and fuel source (electric/gas/etc)- I'm looking for a similar table that corresponds to a single zone, instead of the entire building. Alternatively, a table that listed total annual building energy consumption by zone and fuel source would suffice.

Does such an output table exist? If not, is there an easy way to generate one? Or is there any output variable that shows total energy consumption (of a given fuel type, e.g. total electric or total gas) per zone?
