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No Difference in indoor air temperature even after changing building materials

I'm working on finding out best suitable building material (brick) for semi-arid climate of India. The building environment that I'm simulating is a multi-storey builidng located in a dense urban setting. I tried changing building material with their respective thermal properties like thermal conductivity, density and specific heat. The output of respective scenarios didn't showed noticeable difference as it should be. Like, the building low thermal conductivity and higher specific heat should have lower air temperature than the building having material of high thermal conductivity and low specific heat. What could be the probable reason ?

No Difference in indoor air temperature even after changing building materials

I'm working on finding out best suitable building material (brick) for semi-arid climate of India. The building environment that I'm simulating is a multi-storey builidng located in a dense urban setting. I tried changing building material with their respective thermal properties like thermal conductivity, density and specific heat. The output of respective scenarios didn't showed noticeable difference as it should be. Like, the building low thermal conductivity and higher specific heat should have lower air temperature than the building having material of high thermal conductivity and low specific heat. What could be the probable reason ?

No Difference in indoor air temperature even after changing building materials

I'm working on finding out best suitable building material (brick) for semi-arid climate of India. The building environment that I'm simulating is a multi-storey builidng located in a dense urban setting. I tried changing building material with their respective thermal properties like thermal conductivity, density and specific heat. The output of respective scenarios didn't showed noticeable difference as it should be. Like, the building low thermal conductivity and higher specific heat should have lower air temperature than the building having material of high thermal conductivity and low specific heat. What could be the probable reason ?

No Difference in indoor air temperature even after changing building materialsmaterials in EnergyPlus

I'm working on finding out best suitable building material (brick) for semi-arid climate of India. The building environment that I'm simulating using EnergyPlus is a multi-storey builidng located in a dense urban setting. I tried changing building material with their respective thermal properties like thermal conductivity, density and specific heat. The output of respective scenarios didn't showed noticeable difference as it should be. Like, the building low thermal conductivity and higher specific heat should have lower air temperature than the building having material of high thermal conductivity and low specific heat. What could be the probable reason ?? Attached are the images showing variation in indoor air temperature of different materials with time and the thermal properties of the materials used. C:\fakepath\plot_1.JPG C:\fakepath\plot_2.JPG C:\fakepath\material properties.JPG

No Difference in indoor air temperature even after changing building materials in EnergyPlus

I'm working on finding out best suitable building material (brick) for semi-arid climate of India. The building that I'm simulating using EnergyPlus is a multi-storey builidng located in a dense urban setting. I tried changing building material with their respective thermal properties like thermal conductivity, density and specific heat. The output of respective scenarios didn't showed noticeable difference as it should be. Like, the building low thermal conductivity and higher specific heat should have lower air temperature than the building having material of high thermal conductivity and low specific heat. What could be the probable reason ? Attached are the images showing variation in indoor air temperature of different materials with time and the thermal properties of the materials used. C:\fakepath\plot_1.JPG C:\fakepath\plot_2.JPG C:\fakepath\material properties.JPG

No Difference in indoor air temperature even after changing building materials in EnergyPlus

I'm working on finding out best suitable building material (brick) for semi-arid climate of India. The building that I'm simulating using EnergyPlus is a multi-storey builidng located in a dense urban setting. I tried changing building material with their respective thermal properties like thermal conductivity, density and specific heat. The output of respective scenarios didn't showed noticeable difference as it should be. Like, the building low thermal conductivity and higher specific heat should have lower air temperature than the building having material of high thermal conductivity and low specific heat. What could be the probable reason ? Attached are the images showing variation in indoor air temperature of different materials with time and the thermal properties of the materials used. C:\fakepath\plot_1.JPG C:\fakepath\plot_2.JPG C:\fakepath\material properties.JPG