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Running EnergyPlus in Python as a plugin

To run energyplus I am using the code given in this link,

import sys
sys.path.insert(0,'C:\EnergyPlusV9-4-0') #sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/EnergyPlusInstallRoot')
from pyenergyplus.plugin import EnergyPlusPlugin
class DummyPlugin(EnergyPlusPlugin):
    def on_end_of_zone_timestep_before_zone_reporting(self):
        return 0

The code runs without an issue. But my concern has been how touse this effectively to run a EMS in an IDF. It would be great to have an example which has successfully run an EP idf using the above technique.


Running EnergyPlus in Python as a plugin

To run energyplus I am using the code given in this link,

import sys
sys.path.insert(0,'C:\EnergyPlusV9-4-0') #sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/EnergyPlusInstallRoot')
from pyenergyplus.plugin import EnergyPlusPlugin
class DummyPlugin(EnergyPlusPlugin):
    def on_end_of_zone_timestep_before_zone_reporting(self):
        return 0

The code runs without an issue. But my concern has been how touse this effectively to run a EMS in an IDF. It would be great to have an example which has successfully run an EP idf using the above technique.
