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severe error caused by plant temperature too hot

Hi,I am running a low temperature radiant & Outdoor air unit system. My pumps are Intermittent.but I also have the severe :

* Warning * In calculating the design coil UA for Coil:Cooling:Water ZONE1 COIL COOLING * ~~~ * no apparatus dew-point can be found for the initial entering and leaving conditions; * ~~~ * the apparatus dew-point is below the coil design inlet water temperature; * ~~~ * the coil outlet design conditions will be changed to correct the problem. * ~~~ * The initial design conditions are: Tair,in = 24.1715 * ~~~ * Wair,in = 9.000000E-003 * ~~~ * Twater,in = 6.7000 * ~~~ * Tair,out = 16.0000 * ~~~ * Wair,out = 4.000000E-003 * ~~~ * The revised design conditions are: Tair,out = 9.4156 * ~~~ * Wair,out = 6.646584E-003 *** Testing Individual Branch Integrity *** All Branches passed integrity testing *** Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity *** All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing *** Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity *** All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing *** No node connection errors were found. *** Beginning Simulation * Warning * ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow [LOW_TEM_RAD_VAR] * ~~~ * Surface [ROOF] temperature below dew-point temperature--potential for condensation exists * ~~~ * Flow to the radiant system will be shut-off to avoid condensation * ~~~ * Predicted radiant system surface temperature = 16.81 * ~~~ * Zone dew-point temperature + safety delta T= 23.22 * ~~~ * Environment=CHANGSHA ANN CLG .4% CONDNS DB=>MWB, at Simulation time=07/21 00:00 - 00:10 * ~~~ * Note that a -0.5000 C safety was chosen in the input for the shut-off criteria * ~~~ * Note also that this affects all surfaces that are part of this radiant system * Warning * GetDensityGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too high) for fluid [WATER] density * * ~~~ * ..Called From:PlantPumps:CalcPumps: ,Temperature=[100.00], supplied data range=[0.00,100.00] * ~~~ * Environment=RUN PERIOD 1, at Simulation time=02/13 13:50 - 14:00 * Warning * GetSpecificHeatGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too high) for fluid [WATER] specific heat * * ~~~ * ..Called From:PlantLoopSolver::EvaluateLoopSetPointLoad,Temperature=[125.00], supplied data range=[0.00,125.00] * ~~~ * Environment=RUN PERIOD 1, at Simulation time=02/27 22:00 - 22:10 * Severe * Plant temperatures are getting far too hot, check controls and relative loads and capacities * ~~~ * Environment=RUN PERIOD 1, at Simulation time=08/01 23:40 - 23:50 * ~~~ * PlantLoop Name (SupplySide)= HOT WATER LOOP * ~~~ * PlantLoop Setpoint Temperature=60.0 {C} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Inlet Node (SupplySide) does not have a Setpoint. * ~~~ * PlantLoop Inlet Node (DemandSide) does not have a Setpoint. * ~~~ * PlantLoop Outlet Node (SupplySide) has a Setpoint. * ~~~ * PlantLoop Outlet Node (DemandSide) does not have a Setpoint. * ~~~ * PlantLoop Outlet Node (SupplySide) "HW SUPPLY OUTLET NODE" has temperature=270.0 {C} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Inlet Node (SupplySide) "HW SUPPLY INLET NODE" has temperature=270.0 {C} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Minimum Temperature=2.0 {C} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Maximum Temperature=70.0 {C} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Flow Request (SupplySide)=0.0 {kg/s} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Flow Request (DemandSide)=0.2 {kg/s} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Node (SupplySide) "HW SUPPLY OUTLET NODE" has mass flow rate =0.2 {kg/s} * ~~~ * PlantLoop PumpHeat (SupplySide)=6422.6 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop PumpHeat (DemandSide)=0.0 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Cooling Demand=172100.2 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Heating Demand=0.0 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Demand not Dispatched=0.0 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Unmet Demand=-172100.2 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Capacity=4205609.6 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Capacity (SupplySide)=4205609.6 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Capacity (DemandSide)=0.0 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Operation Scheme=HOT LOOP OPERATION * ~~~ * PlantLoop Operation Dispatched Load = 0.0 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Operation Dispatched Load (SupplySide)= 0.0 {W} * ~~~ * PlantLoop Operation Dispatched Load (DemandSide)= 0.0 {W} * ~~~ * Branches on the Loop. * ~~~ * Demand Branches: * ~~~ * REHEAT INLET BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * PIPE:ADIABATIC:REHEAT INLET PIPE * ~~~ * ZONE 1 RADIANT BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * ZONEHVAC:LOWTEMPERATURERADIANT:VARIABLEFLOW:LOW_TEM_RAD_VAR * ~~~ * ZONE1 OAU HW BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * COIL:HEATING:WATER:ZONE1 COIL HEATING * ~~~ * REHEAT BYPASS BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * PIPE:ADIABATIC:REHEAT BYPASS * ~~~ * REHEAT OUTLET BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * PIPE:ADIABATIC:REHEAT OUTLET PIPE * ~~~ * Supply Branches: * ~~~ * HEATING SUPPLY INLET BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * PUMP:VARIABLESPEED:HW CIRC PUMP * ~~~ * HEATING PURCHASED HOT WATER BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * DISTRICTHEATING:PURCHASED HEATING * ~~~ * HEATING SUPPLY BYPASS BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * PIPE:ADIABATIC:HEATING SUPPLY SIDE BYPASS * ~~~ * HEATING SUPPLY OUTLET BRANCH * ~~~ * Components on Branch: * ~~~ * PIPE:ADIABATIC:HEATING SUPPLY OUTLET * ~~~ * ******* * ~~~ * Possible things to look for to correct this problem are: * ~~~ * Capacity, Operation Scheme, Mass flow problems, Pump Heat building up over time. * ~~~ * Try a shorter runperiod to stop before it fatals and look at * ~~~ * lots of node time series data to see what is going wrong. * ~~~ * If this is happening during Warmup, you can use Output:Diagnostics,ReportDuringWarmup; * ~~~ * This is detected at the loop level, but the typical problems are in the components. * Fatal * CheckForRunawayPlantTemps: Simulation terminated because of run away plant temperatures, too hot ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=1 ..... Last severe error=Plant temperatures are getting far too hot, check controls and relative loads and capacities

*** ===== Recurring Error Summary ===== *** The following recurring error messages occurred.

*** * Warning * ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow [LOW_TEM_RAD_VAR] condensation shut-off occurrence continues. *** * ~~~ * This error occurred 13160 total times; *** * ~~~ * during Warmup 0 times; *** * ~~~ * during Sizing 0 times. *** * ~~~ * Max=27.970207 C Min=13.745596 C

*** * Warning * Plant loop exceeding upper temperature limit, PlantLoop="CHILLED WATER LOOP" *** * ~~~ * This error occurred 30853 total times; *** * ~~~ * during Warmup 0 times; *** * ~~~ * during Sizing 0 times. *** * ~~~ * Max=181.200279

*** * Warning * GetDensityGlycol: Temperature out of range (too high) for fluid [WATER] density * *** * ~~~ * This error occurred 1107613 total times; *** * ~~~ * during Warmup 0 times; *** * ~~~ * during Sizing 0 times. *** * ~~~ ** Max=270.010675 {C} Min=100.001138 {C}

*** * Warning * GetSpecificHeatGlycol: Temperature out of range (too high) for fluid [WATER] specific heat * *** * ~~~ * This error occurred 2174156 total times; *** * ~~~ * during Warmup 0 times; *** * ~~~ * during Sizing 0 times. *** * ~~~ ** Max=270.010675 {C} Min=125.002122 {C}

*** * Warning * Plant loop exceeding upper temperature limit, PlantLoop="HOT WATER LOOP" *** * ~~~ * This error occurred 39233 total times; *** * ~~~ * during Warmup 0 times; *** * ~~~ * during Sizing 0 times. *** * ~~~ * Max=270.010592

*** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 3365016 Warning; 1 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 14.81sec