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How to collect more data from SQL from JEPLUS-EA runs (output files)

I have run a model with JEPLUS-EA and would like to get a AllCombinedResults.csv like when i run JEPlus. But I get only the datatabel for the best solutions. But I would like to have it for all solution. However, the table view of all solutions in JEPLUS-EA only allows me to export a csv with the parameters and optimization objective.

Is there any way to use JEPLUS utilities like Python or ReadVars to collect more data from the SQL output files. If so, could you share a simple script with me as an examples. (I am not an exeprienced programmer).

I did some trials with Run Readvars using my original RVI file but it didn't work properly and the following error apears: Cannot extract model template file. Check input string. Cannot extract Weather file. Check input string. File C:\Users\Xandrika\Documents\03_Research\PhD\Simulation\JEPLUS__jEPlus_v1.5.1\nu​ll is not accessible.

Thanks a lot. Regards, Susanne

How to collect more data from SQL from JEPLUS-EA runs (output files)

I have run a model with JEPLUS-EA and would like to get a AllCombinedResults.csv like when i run JEPlus. But I get only the datatabel for the best solutions. But I would like to have it for all solution. However, the table view of all solutions in JEPLUS-EA only allows me to export a csv with the parameters and optimization objective.

Is there any way to use JEPLUS utilities like Python or ReadVars to collect more data from the SQL output files. If so, could you share a simple script with me as an examples. (I am not an exeprienced experienced programmer).

I did some trials with Run Readvars using my original RVI file but it didn't work properly and the following error apears: apears:

Cannot extract model template file. Check input string.
Cannot extract Weather file. Check input string.
File C:\Users\Xandrika\Documents\03_Research\PhD\Simulation\JEPLUS__jEPlus_v1.5.1\nu​ll C:\...\Simulation\JEPLUS\__jEPlus_v1.5.1\nu​ll is not accessible.

Thanks a lot. Regards, Susanne


How to collect more data from SQL from JEPLUS-EA runs (output files)

I have run a model with JEPLUS-EA and would like to get a AllCombinedResults.csv like when i run JEPlus. But I get only the datatabel for the best solutions. But I would like to have it for all solution. However, the table view of all solutions in JEPLUS-EA only allows me to export a csv with the parameters and optimization objective.

Is there any way to use JEPLUS utilities like Python or ReadVars to collect more data from the SQL output files. If so, could you share a simple script with me as an examples. (I am not an experienced programmer).

I did some trials with Run Readvars using my original RVI file but it didn't work properly and the following error apears:

Cannot extract model template file. Check input string.
Cannot extract Weather file. Check input string.
File C:\...\Simulation\JEPLUS\__jEPlus_v1.5.1\nu​ll is not accessible.