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How to fix fatal error relating to degenerate surfaces?

Hello, I am new to this program. I am looking for some help solving a degenerate surface fatal error. I attached the idf files and copied the error file below. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly apprecaited.

Thank you

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.2.0-921312fa1d, YMD=2020.05.28 11:55, * Warning * ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=SURFACE 21 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 11 * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 16 * Warning * GetSurfaceData: There are 11 coincident/collinear vertices; These have been deleted unless the deletion would bring the number of surface sides < 3. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Severe * GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. * ~~~ * These surfaces should be deleted. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Fatal * GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=5 ..... Last severe error=GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning). *** Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages. *** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 1 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 15 Warning; 5 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.78sec

How to fix fatal error relating to degenerate surfaces?

Hello, I am new to this program. I am looking for some help solving a degenerate surface fatal error. I attached the idf files and copied the error file below. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly apprecaited.

Thank you

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.2.0-921312fa1d, YMD=2020.05.28 11:55, * Warning * ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=SURFACE 21 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 11 * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 16 * Warning * GetSurfaceData: There are 11 coincident/collinear vertices; These have been deleted unless the deletion would bring the number of surface sides < 3. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Severe * GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. * ~~~ * These surfaces should be deleted. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Fatal * GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=5 ..... Last severe error=GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning). *** Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages. *** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 1 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 15 Warning; 5 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.78secimage description

How to fix fatal error relating to degenerate surfaces?

Hello, I am new to this program. I am looking for some help solving a degenerate surface fatal error. I attached the idf files and copied the error file below. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly apprecaited.

Thank you

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.2.0-921312fa1d, YMD=2020.05.28 11:55, * Warning * ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=SURFACE 21 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 11 * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 16 * Warning * GetSurfaceData: There are 11 coincident/collinear vertices; These have been deleted unless the deletion would bring the number of surface sides < 3. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Severe * GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. * ~~~ * These surfaces should be deleted. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Fatal * GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=5 ..... Last severe error=GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning). *** Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages. *** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 1 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 15 Warning; 5 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.78secimage description

How to fix fatal error relating to degenerate surfaces?

Hello, I am new to this program. I am looking for some help solving a degenerate surface fatal error. I attached a link to the idf files and copied the error file below. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly apprecaited.

Thank you

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.2.0-921312fa1d, YMD=2020.05.28 11:55, * Warning * ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=SURFACE 21 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 11 * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 16 * Warning * GetSurfaceData: There are 11 coincident/collinear vertices; These have been deleted unless the deletion would bring the number of surface sides < 3. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Severe * GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. * ~~~ * These surfaces should be deleted. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Fatal * GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=5 ..... Last severe error=GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning). *** Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages. *** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 1 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 15 Warning; 5 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.78secimage description

How to fix fatal error relating to degenerate surfaces?

Hello, I am new to this program. I am looking for some help solving a degenerate surface fatal error. I attached a link to the idf files and copied the error file below. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly apprecaited.

Thank you

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.2.0-921312fa1d, YMD=2020.05.28 11:55, * Warning * ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=SURFACE 21 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 11 * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 16 * Warning * GetSurfaceData: There are 11 coincident/collinear vertices; These have been deleted unless the deletion would bring the number of surface sides < 3. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Severe * GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. * ~~~ * These surfaces should be deleted. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Fatal * GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=5 ..... Last severe error=GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning). *** Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages. *** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 1 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 15 Warning; 5 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.78secimage description

How to fix fatal error relating to degenerate surfaces?

Hello, I am new to this program. I am looking for some help solving a degenerate surface fatal error. I attached a link to the idf files and copied the error file below. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly apprecaited.

Thank you

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.2.0-921312fa1d, YMD=2020.05.28 11:55, * Warning * ManageSizing: For a zone sizing run, there must be C:\fakepath\Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at least 1 Sizing:Zone input object. SimulationControl Zone Sizing option ignored. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS OFF DISCRETE", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Constant="ALWAYS ON CONTINUOUS", Blank Schedule Type Limits Name input -- will not be validated. * Warning * GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input. * ~~~ * Found first in surface=SURFACE 21 * ~~~ * Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used. * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 11 * Severe * GetSurfaceData: Zone has no surfaces, Zone=THERMAL ZONE 16 * Warning * GetSurfaceData: There are 11 coincident/collinear vertices; These have been deleted unless the deletion would bring the number of surface sides < 3. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Severe * GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. * ~~~ * These surfaces should be deleted. * ~~~ * For explicit details on each problem surface, use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; * Fatal * GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=5 ..... Last severe error=GetSurfaceData: There are 3 degenerate surfaces; Degenerate surfaces are those with number of sides < 3. *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning). *** Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages. *** EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 1 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. *** EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 15 Warning; 5 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 0.78sec10.51.34 AM.pngcimage description

How to fix fatal error relating to degenerate surfaces?

Hello, I am new to this program. I am looking for some help solving a degenerate surface fatal error. I attached a link to the idf files and copied the error file below. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly apprecaited.

Thank you

C:\fakepath\Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 10.51.34 AM.pngcimage description