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PAT 2 log file location

I'm looking into using scripting to run the analysis on an OSServer. I followed JS files and been able to boil it down to this line which runs the analysis. I noticed there're log after every command and all of that should be stored in a file somewhere. For that line specifically, it's followed by if (vm.Message.showDebug()) vm.$log.debug('FULL run_analysis command: ', full_command);

My questions are:

  1. where can I find the log file which shows the full_command (I installed PAT as part of the latest 2.9 OS installer)

  2. What's the best way to use scripting to automate the workflow and bypass PAT?

    2.1 Create project Json/Zip

    2.2 Run analysis on already started server


PAT 2 log file location

I'm looking into using scripting to run the analysis on an OSServer. I followed JS files and been able to boil it down to this line which runs the analysis. I noticed there're log after every command and all of that should be stored in a file somewhere. For that line specifically, it's followed by if (vm.Message.showDebug()) vm.$log.debug('FULL run_analysis command: ', full_command);

My questions are:

  1. where can I find the log file which shows the full_command (I installed PAT as part of the latest 2.9 OS installer)

  2. What's the best way to use scripting to automate the workflow and bypass PAT?

    2.1 Create project Json/Zip

    2.2 Run analysis on already started server
