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Can't tell if EnergyPlusToFMU Examples are working


I've been having some trouble with running EnergyPlus as an FMU. Hi,

For some reason I haven't been able to install PyFMI on my system, and have been trying to using FMPy. After some initial trouble, I've managed to run the examples that come with EnergyPlusToFMU.

My issue now, is that setting the input variables does not seem to change the simulation output at all. Since none of the examples provide all the files necessary to generate the FMU or document the expected output from running them, I have no idea what the results should be.

Has anyone else successfully run the examples? If so, what .epw did you use, and how does changing the input variables to the examples change the outputs?

Can't tell if EnergyPlusToFMU Examples are working


I've been having some trouble with running EnergyPlus as an FMU. Hi,

For some reason I haven't been able to install PyFMI on my system, and have been trying to using FMPy. After some initial trouble, I've managed to run the examples that come with EnergyPlusToFMU.

My issue now, is that setting the input variables does not seem to change the simulation output at all. Since none of the examples provide all the files necessary to generate the FMU or document the expected output from running them, I have no idea what the results should be.

Has anyone else successfully run the examples? If so, what .epw did you use, and how does changing the input variables to the examples change the outputs?

Edit: Here's the python code I'm using to run the example.

import fmpy

fmu = '_fmu_export_actuator.fmu'

# prints a description of the FMU.

# Runs the model.
# Needs this patch to be applied:
result = fmpy.simulate_fmu(


And this is the output I get, regardless of what yShade is set to. image description

Can't tell if EnergyPlusToFMU Examples are working


I've been having some trouble with running EnergyPlus as an FMU. Hi,

For some reason I haven't been able to install PyFMI on my system, and have been trying to using FMPy. After some initial trouble, I've managed to run the examples that come with EnergyPlusToFMU.

My issue now, is that setting the input variables does not seem to change the simulation output at all. Since none of the examples provide all the files necessary to generate the FMU or document the expected output from running them, I have no idea what the results should be.

Has anyone else successfully run the examples? If so, what .epw did you use, and how does changing the input variables to the examples change the outputs?

Edit: Here's the python code I'm using to run the example.

import fmpy

# FMU compiled with:
# - E+ v9.0.1
# - EnergyPlusToFMU v2.1.0
# - EnergyPlusToFMU-v2.1.0/Examples/Actuator/_fmu-export-actuator.idf
# - EnergyPlus-9-0-1/WeatherData/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.epw
fmu = '_fmu_export_actuator.fmu'

# prints a description of the FMU.

# Runs the model.
# Needs this patch to be applied:
result = fmpy.simulate_fmu(


And this is the output I get, regardless of what yShade is set to. image description