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weather file data for snow depth from energyplus


I downloaded a weather file for Belgium - Brussels area from energyplus website to look for the data of snow depth.

However, the information i have there are all 0 throughout the year. Also, the column on the right side of the snow depth (days from the last snow) is showing 88 for all hour in a year.

The data does not seem correct. Can you help me understand it?

Thanks in advance.

weather file data for snow depth from energyplus


I downloaded a weather file for Belgium - Brussels area from energyplus website to look for the data of snow depth.

However, the information i have there are all 0 throughout the year. Also, the column on the right side of the snow depth (days from the last snow) is showing 88 for all hour in a year.

The data does not seem correct. Can you help me understand it?

Thanks in advance.