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ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure and PAT compatible?

I am trying to use the ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure to in the Parametric Analysis Tool to automatically run a single building model in many different locations, but the weather file is not changing.

Is the function


compatible with the PAT?

ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure and PAT compatible?

I am trying to use the ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure to in the Parametric Analysis Tool to automatically run a single building model in many different locations, but the weather file is not changing.

Is the function


compatible with the PAT?

ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure and PAT compatible?

I am trying to use the ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure to in the Parametric Analysis Tool to automatically run a single building model in many different locations, but the weather file is not changing.

Is the function


compatible with the PAT?

Post Script:
The PAT run resulted in a completed Fail because I used an empty file I made called blank.epw as the default weather file. I thought this would be okay because the weather file would be set by the ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure. By changing the PAT default weather file to any valid epw file resulted in a successful run in PAT. I checked the generated idf and results, which confirmed all the objects and the epw file were changed successfully by the ChangeBuildingLocation BCL measure.