I have been trying to launch the slab preprocessor because for small buildings, like houses, is recommended in order to simulate correct undisturbed ground temperature.
Unfortunately even if I have followed The AUxiliary reference pdf
Program Version,GroundTempCalc - Slab, Version .75 * Severe * IP: IDF line~10 Did not find "GroundHeatTransfer:Control" in list of Objects * Severe * IP: IDF line~18 Did not find "GroundHeatTransfer:Slab:Materials" in list of Objects * Severe * IP: IDF line~32 Did not find "GroundHeatTransfer:Slab:MatlProps" in list of Objects * Severe * IP: IDF line~43 Did not find "GroundHeatTransfer:Slab:BoundConds" in list of Objects * Severe * IP: IDF line~52 Did not find "GroundHeatTransfer:Slab:BldgProps" in list of Objects * Severe * IP: IDF line~74 Did not find "GroundHeatTransfer:Slab:EquivalentSlab" in list of Objects * Severe * IP: The IDF file has no records. * Severe * IP: Other miscellaneous errors found in input * ~~~ * Possible Invalid Numerics or other problems. * Fatal * IP: Errors occurred on processing input file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination. *** GroundTempCalc:Slab Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 0 Warning; 8 Severe Errors
The errors are very strange because all of the inputs are actually populated in the cells. I am available to send the file.
Thanks in advance