I'm working on a research project which is NOT focused on finding most efficient HVAC system but anyway I need to pick one for energy simulation.
I would be grateful if you could let me know which HVAC systems are more energy-saving (and/or more common) for high-rise office building in tropical desert climate (Dubai), and why?
Could you please also send links to available literature supporting your reply?
I have read about pros and cons of some HVAC systems in some papers including: this and this
I use Ladybug/Honeybee (LB/HB) for connecting Rhino models to Energyplus and OpenStudio. It has a list of different HVAC systems to pick from (please see the list below the text).
I guess one of these systems might be a good option: VAV w/ Reheat or VAV w/ PFP Boxes or VRF + DOAS. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.
List of available HVAC systems in Honeybee (LB/HB) -1. Thermostat Only
Ideal Air Loads
PTAC | Residential
PTHP | Residential
Packaged Single Zone - AC
Packaged Single Zone - HP
Packaged VAV w/ Reheat
Packaged VAV w/ PFP Boxes
VAV w/ Reheat
VAV w/ PFP Boxes
Warm Air Furnace - Gas Fired
10.Warm Air Furnace - Electric
11.Fan Coil Units + DOAS
12.Active Chilled Beams + DOAS
13.Radiant Floors + DOAS
14.Custom Rad Surfaces + DOAS
15.Heated Surfaces + VAV Cooling
17.Ground Source WSHP + DOAS
18.Ground Source VRF + DOAS