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Setting VMX versus DMX options

I thought I knew what the difference was when setting these parameters in OS/Radiance but when examining the Ruby code I got confused. What does VMX affect versus DMX? Generally, it seems when I want to set the ambient settings I adjust them in the DMX but I thought it would be the VMX. VTDS, right? So in general to improve simulation we up the daylight matrix?

Setting VMX versus DMX options

I thought I knew what the difference was when setting these parameters in OS/Radiance but when examining the Ruby code I got confused. What does VMX affect versus DMX? Generally, it seems when I want to set the ambient settings I adjust them in the DMX but I thought it would be the VMX. VTDS, right? So in general to improve simulation we up the daylight matrix?

Setting VMX versus DMX options

I thought I knew what the difference was when setting these parameters in OS/Radiance but when examining the Ruby code I got confused. What does VMX affect versus DMX? Generally, it seems when I want to set the ambient settings I adjust them in the DMX but I thought it would be the VMX. VTDS, right? So in general to improve simulation we up the daylight matrix?