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There is an error when ExpandObjects


There is an error when I run OpenStudio. And the tree view shows the error occurred in ExpandObjects.

This error happened when I run 32bit on 64bit computer. But when I remove the 32bit re-install 64bit version, this error is still happen.

image description

Can you help me to solve this problem?

Thank you.

There is an error when ExpandObjects


There is an error when I run OpenStudio. And the tree view shows the error occurred in ExpandObjects.

This error happened when I run 32bit on 64bit computer. But when I remove the 32bit re-install 64bit version, this error is still happen.

image description

Can you help me to solve this problem?

Thank you.

There is an error when ExpandObjects


There is an error when I run OpenStudio. And the tree view shows the error occurred in ExpandObjects.

This error happened when I run 32bit on 64bit computer. But when I remove the 32bit re-install 64bit version, this error is still happen.

image description

Can you help me to solve this problem?

Thank you.