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UtilityCost Tariff Demand Charges based on max demand in interval

I have to implement a demand charge block that is based on the maximum demand in a 30-minute interval and then applies the rate 1. $x per kW for billing period, plus (highest measured 30-minute interval kW demand billing period) 2. $y per kW of peak billing demand (highest measured 30-minute interval kW demand peak billing period)

How can this be done using EMS? Any other approach?

( This is part of the but I think it needs a separate thread.)

UtilityCost Tariff Demand Charges based on max demand in interval

I have to implement a demand charge block that is based on the maximum demand in a 30-minute interval and then applies the rate 1. $x x per kW for billing period, plus (highest measured 30-minute interval kW demand billing period) 2. $y y per kW of peak billing demand (highest measured 30-minute interval kW demand peak billing period)

How can this be done using EMS? Any other approach?

( This is part of the but I think it needs a separate thread.)