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Delete Subsurfaces without a Parent Surface


I am working with Sketchup 2014 and OpenStudio 1.5 and I have an issue where I have about 5 sub-surfaces that do not show up in the sketchup model because they do not have a corresponding surface. Is there any way that I can remove these sub-surfaces from my model?

Delete Subsurfaces without a Parent Surface


I am working with Sketchup 2014 and OpenStudio 1.5 and I have an issue where I have about 5 sub-surfaces that do not show up in the sketchup model because they do not have a corresponding surface. Is there any way that I can remove these sub-surfaces from my model?

Delete Subsurfaces without a Parent Surface


I am working with Sketchup 2014 and OpenStudio 1.5 and I have an issue where I have about 5 sub-surfaces that do not show up in the sketchup model because they do not have a corresponding surface. Is there any way that I can remove these sub-surfaces from my model?

Delete Subsurfaces without a Parent Surface


I am working with Sketchup 2014 and OpenStudio 1.5 and I have an issue where I have about 5 sub-surfaces that do not show up in the sketchup model because they do not have a corresponding surface. Is there any way that I can remove these sub-surfaces from my model?