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inter-zone air mixing

I am trying to model a small restaurant. Let's say the actual restaurant has 2 RTUs serving the 'dining' area, with one RTU serving zone 1 and the other RTU serving zone 2. The two zones in the 'dining' area are adjacent but not separated by any surface or subsurface. How should/can this scenario be modeled using OpenStudio to achieve the correct air mixing between zones, etc.?

inter-zone air mixing

I am trying to model a small restaurant. Let's say the actual restaurant has 2 RTUs serving the 'dining' area, with one RTU serving zone 1 and the other RTU serving zone 2. The two zones in the 'dining' area are adjacent but not separated by any surface or subsurface. How should/can this scenario be modeled using OpenStudio to achieve the correct air mixing between zones, etc.?