Hi everyone, What make this 2 errors? Thanks
* Warning * GetInternalHeatGains: People="MULTIPURPOSE", Activity Level Schedule Name values * ~~~ * fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting. * ~~~ * Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OCCUPANCY OFFICE". * ~~~ * Entered min/max range=[0.0,1.0] W/person.
* Severe * UpdateZoneSizing: Cooling supply air temperature (calculated) within 2C of zone temperature * ~~~ * ...check zone thermostat set point and design supply air temperatures * ~~~ * ...zone name = L1_ADMINISTRASI_AKADEMIK * ~~~ * ...design sensible cooling load = 50956.13 W * ~~~ * ...thermostat set point temp = 0.000 C * ~~~ * ...zone temperature = 12.875 C * ~~~ * ...supply air temperature = 12.800 C * ~~~ * ...temperature difference = -7.49923E-002 C * ~~~ * ...calculated volume flow rate = 545364.63273 m3/s * ~~~ * ...calculated mass flow rate = 655542.43499 kg/s