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Steel beams in wall constructions in Openstudio model


I am confused as to how I can model a wall that is surrounded by steel I beams in Openstudio. I have found the correct components for the wall itself.

My questions is: Is it possible to integrate the steel I beams in the wall construction or do I have to draw the steel beams in my model and assign them to 'steel' component?

Here's a rough sketch of my wall

image description

Thank you for your help!

Steel beams in wall constructions in Openstudio model


I am confused as to how I can model a wall that is surrounded by steel I beams in Openstudio. I have found the correct components for the wall itself.

My questions is: Is it possible to integrate the steel I beams in the wall construction or do I have to draw the steel beams in my model and assign them to 'steel' component?

Also is it actually worth it? (the building has a I Beam steel structure) Here's a rough sketch of my wall

image description

Thank you for your help!

Steel beams in wall constructions in Openstudio model


I am confused as to how I can model a wall that is surrounded by steel I beams in Openstudio. I have found the correct components for the wall itself.

My questions is: Is it possible to integrate the steel I beams in the wall construction or do I have to draw the steel beams in my model and assign them to 'steel' component? Also is it actually worth it? (the building has a I Beam steel structure) Here's a rough sketch of my wall

image description

Thank you for your help!

Steel Modelling steel beams in wall constructions in Openstudio model


I am confused as to how I can model a wall that is surrounded by steel I beams in Openstudio. I have found the correct components for the wall itself.

My questions is: Is it possible to integrate the steel I beams in the wall construction or do I have to draw the steel beams in my model and assign them to 'steel' component? Also is it actually worth it? (the building has a I Beam steel structure) Here's a rough sketch of my wall

image description

Thank you for your help!

Here's a photo of one of the walls of the building

image description