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LEED System Nr 8, Ventilation Requirements VS Sensible Load

Hi! I'm modeling system nr 8 for a baseline building. I set the same ventilation as the proposed building (G3.1.2.5). In the Air Loop, I modelled the same minimum air flow with a recirculation. I set also a supply air temperature based on the outdoor air temperature (I'm not so sure also about this, is it right?). So, if the supply temperature is blocked, how can it control both ventilation and sensible load if we have recirculation? The system should modulate the air flow to meet the sensible load, what if the ventilation requirements are higher or lower? In winter, if the minimum air flow is not enough is not a problem because of the reheat boxes. But in summer?
I can do it without recirculation, but it would consume too much energy. It's a little bit tricky to understand, I hope I explained it well. Thanks.