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wrong area report in E+ result

I have tried zoning an office building in 2 different ways, with the same building, E+ reports building area in 2 different ways. 1 shows total floor area, this is good. 2 shows only ground area only, in case building 4 story, result was the same, it shows ground area only.



click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

wrong area report in E+ result

I have tried zoning an office building in 2 different ways, with the same building, E+ reports building area in 2 different ways. 1 shows total floor area, this is good. 2 shows only ground area only, in case building 4 story, result was the same, it shows ground area only.



click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

wrong area report in E+ result

I have tried zoning an office building in 2 different ways, with the same building, E+ reports building area in 2 different ways. 1 shows total floor area, this is good. 2 shows ground area only, in case building 4 story, storey, result was the same, it shows ground area only.



click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

wrong area report in E+ result

I have tried zoning an office building in 2 different ways, with the same building, E+ reports building area in 2 different ways. 1 shows total floor area, this is good. 2 shows ground area only, in case building 4 storey, result was the same, it shows ground area only.

See attached images for better explaination.



wrong area report in E+ result

I have tried zoning an office building in 2 different ways, with the same building, E+ reports building area in 2 different ways. 1 shows total floor area, this is good. 2 shows ground area only, in case building 4 storey, result was the same, it shows ground area only.

See attached images for better explaination.explanation.



wrong area report in E+ result

I have tried zoning an office building in 2 different ways, with the same building, E+ reports building area in 2 different ways. 1 ways.

This first solution shows total floor area, this is good. 2 good: C:\fakepath\rp02.jpg

This second solution shows ground area only, in case building 4 storey, result was the same, it shows ground area only.

See attached images for better explanation.



wrong area report in E+ result

I have tried zoning an office building in 2 different ways, with the same building, E+ reports building area in 2 different ways.

This first solution shows total floor area, this is good: C:\fakepath\rp02.jpg

This second solution shows ground area only, in case building 4 storey, result was the same, it shows ground area only.
