SketchUp OpenStudio and the undo function
If the undo function in Sketchup can’t be used when working on an OpenStudio model, how do I correct an error I just made?
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If the undo function in Sketchup can’t be used when working on an OpenStudio model, how do I correct an error I just made?
One additional note I will add. If you are just drawing loose SketchUp geometry that isn't part of the OpenStudio model yet, such as a floor diagram that you plan to later extrude, you can use undo.
If you want to use undo, you should just keep working with Sketchup objects instead of OS objects, while in Sketchup.
Check out the Experimental Workflow scripts named similar to Make Sketchup Groups From Diagram, and Merge Sketchup Groups into Osm.
instead of building the building out of OS objects (with different colors for walls and floor etc.) build it out of Sketchup objects (plain colored), and when is all and said and done for creating the form of the building use the "Merge" script to convert the Sketchup shapes into OS spaces and surfaces.
Use the selection tool to select a line segment of the surface that needs to be removed and then use the eraser tool or press the delete key. Then redraw the correct surfaces or subsurfaces.
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Asked: 2014-11-04 19:02:14 -0600
Seen: 1,043 times
Last updated: Nov 07 '14