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Changing timescale in Elements

asked 2024-07-23 10:51:08 -0600

Olamide's avatar

I am trying to create an .epw weather file in Elements using .csv data. My data is in 5-minute increments. Is there a way to change the time scale in Elements to 5 minutes instead of 1 hour?

If not, is there any other way to convert .mos (Modelica) or .csv weather data to .epw format? I tried the EnergyPlus Weather Converter tool, but it does not accept .mos, and it requests a .def file along with a .csv file. I do not know what the .def file is supposed to be or how to create/get it.

Any information at all would be very much appreciated.

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answered 2024-07-23 12:17:11 -0600

Unfortunately, the current version of Elements does not accommodate changing time-steps from within the editor. However, if the data from your EPW file is already in 5 minute increments, Elements will read that in correctly and respect that 5 min interval. Therefore, if you can find an existing epw file that has 5 minute increments, the easiest work-around would be to load that file and then past your new data.

If you don't have a pre-existing *.epw file at 5 minute increments, it is possible to edit the text of an *.epw file using Excel (load it as a comma delimited file and save as a CSV and rename the extension -- note: take care with how date formats are written out). Doing that, you could add the 5 min increment steps manually. However, that process is very involved and error prone so I cannot recommend it unless you feel comfortable with text editors and the *.epw file format.

Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with the .mos format for weather data. You should be able to process .csv weather data using the EnergyPlus Weather Converter but I'm less familiar with that process and will defer to others to provide a more substantive answer.

All the best.

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Thank you, @Michael O'Keefe. I will look for a 5-minute .epw file to edit.

To process a .csv file in EnergyPlus, I need a .def file. I found a resource about making it (here), but I'm going to try your .epw recommendation first.


Olamide's avatar Olamide  ( 2024-07-23 13:26:14 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2024-07-23 10:51:08 -0600

Seen: 81 times

Last updated: Jul 23 '24